Show Notes and Transcript
Aaron and Steve discuss the 1991 film The Last Boy Scout. A depressed private investigator and a disgraced football player team up with a stripper and a mentally challenged child to stop the world from betting on sports games.
Today’s movie is the 1991 film The Last Boy Scout.
-Directed by Tony Scott
-Written by Shane Black
-Starring: Bruce Willis, Damon Wayans, Taylor Negron and Halle Berry
Cinema Decon Ranking
Aaron: 5.5
Steve: 6.6
Composite: 6.37
Cinema Decon Recommends
Aaron - Halo on Paramount+
Steve - Psych on Prime (Originally USA)
Muppet Recast
Transcript as follows: Participant #1:
I'll scratch that. Cause it's wrong. Wrong.
Participant #1:
Hello and welcome to the 13th episode of Cinema Decon. Deconstructing and overthinking the movies of our younger years. My name is Steve, and on this podcast we will revisit the movies that we we keep in the back part of our minds as flawless masterpieces, untouchable by any criticism. And hopefully they stayed that way. Join us as we rewatch a randomly selected movie from our list of 300 plus from the. With me on this journey is my co host, a man who dances to jig after every fight to the death, Aaron. How are you tonight? Aaron? I am hanging in there, Steve. It's been a long time since we've done this, so it's nice to get back to being in the movie business, for lack of a better term. A bit of a little hiatus for the show. We had a lot of work stuff, a lot of family stuff. There's a lot of stuff life happened. That whole day job thing. Believe it or not, this is not our primary income. No, obviously it's not even our secondary income. But I don't know what the primary secondary, tertiary word is for like, umpteen, but we're not even that. Yeah, I think it falls under hobby. Hobby. Although this is our first page show that is true. We're going to turn it right around with this first in a string of paid shows. We have three in a row. We'll talk about that at the end. So what we do here at Cinema Decon is rewatch of an old movie, the hopes that they're still as good as we remember. Then Steve and I meet up to talk about point out our high low cards and give it a rank in place on our megaliths. Before we watch our target movie, we first record our memories and recollections of it and proceed and watch said movie. So far, our memories have been both perfect and completely wrong at the same time. We just hit our one year anniversary as a podcast. It's the little milestones that count. It's been a long road getting from there to here. Find that. Find a music flip of that. The supernatural long road. I was going to say faith at the heart.
Participant #1:
You know what we should do? An idea for the next one is do a previously on Cinema Econ previously on Cinema Decon and then just a random line with no context. And then just one line. That's good. Previously on Cinema Decon yeah, that's good. That's a good idea. I'm about to work on that. Today's movie is the 1091 film the Last Boy Scout, directed by Tony Scott written by Shane Black starring Bruce Willis, Damon Wayans, Taylor Negron and Halle Berry. This week's episode is brought to you by the Steinbeck autocloser toilet seat. Never get caught hiding in the closet by her psychotic private detective husband again, when the lid that literally covers up for you. Since 1983. Steinbach has been taking the dull out of adultery. Dull out of adultery. I was having trouble trying to find something. It's worth it for doll out of adultery. So, Aaron, what are your recollections of the last Boy Scout? Oh, God, man. That's one that I can't remember that much about. I remember like we were talking on some previous news. I totally remember the box art. I remember flashes of scenes and I just can't remember much about it. I'm going to treat this as one that I'm just going in blind. So this is going to be interesting. I have a vague recollection of this. I definitely remember the opening of the movie, which is a football game. And a guy like runs a kick off back in the rain. And then he gets to the end zone and shoots himself. Yeah, that's the type of thing I remember. But I have no idea. I don't recall how that goes to the plot. And then it's something like Bruce Willis is a security guy and there's some corporate nonsense of the ownership and backstabbiness. And then like a helicopter at the Coliseum at the end or something. Big sploshes of recollection there. But I remember thinking at the time, this is John McLean. And hold me. The clown. What the hell is this going to be? And Halle Berry. Oh, is she in it? And Dick Buckis. Dick Buckis, chicago legend. Yeah. Adding some class to the proceedings. So yeah, this will be good. Dick Buckis. I might find myself my last bucket cigar that I got up in Pittsburgh. We'll save that one for the next episode. Those are good. Cigars will knock you on your ass. So we will go off and watch the last Boy Scout. That's a quick prewatch. We don't have much remembering.
Participant #1:
Baby. Oh, baby. We got it too, for two.
Participant #1:
Told you. Jesus Christ. Killed him. You fucking ain't killing me. Dead. Is there a problem? He just came. Shit bottle. Put his fucking nose to his brain. We're back. We have watched the last Boy Scout. Initial thoughts there, Aaron. So this is one of those where I know I had seen it around the time that came out. But I really had no memory of it kind of thing. I just know I'd seen it just from recollection of the name. Interesting movie. It gets off to a crazy start and kind of net papers off. But it's absolutely not what I expected. We kind of nailed the prewatch, though, because we called so little. All we remembered was the initial football scene and then Helicopter stadium, something, something. So we weren't wrong. No, not in the lease. Not so much that we were right. It's just that we weren't wrong exactly. Which is the key to most success. Yeah, it was very interesting movie. Something was off in it, which I'm still struggling to put my finger on, but very enjoyable. I love Shane Black. Everything he writes is always great. This is actually our first action movie, which occurred to me. Sure. Yeah. It's not horror, it's not Sci-Fi. There's funny elements, but it's essentially a buddy cop movie. Yeah, it's a pretty graphic buddy cop movie, though, I will tell you that. That was one of the things that I obviously didn't remember was the graphicness of it. Yeah. They get their ass beat. Yeah. It wasn't like torture, foreign type. It was unexpected. It was a lot more than I assumed from comparing it to, say, something like tango and cash or other buddy cop moving. He broke that nose,
Participant #1:
apparently. It was almost NC 17. The editing process was pretty wild because of a lot of testosterone on set. So everybody had their own ideas of how this whole thing should go. And the editing was a bit of a mess. In the end, they had to narrow down the violence because it would have got NC 17. Yeah. And this was back before they started doing, like, directors cuts regularly where they tone it down for theatrical release and then release like the Snyder cut, for lack of a better term, with all the good bids for everybody to be I'd love to see a Shane Black cut movie of this because it was not what he intended. There was a lot of changes by the director, and I forget who the producer was. Joel Silver, maybe? I think it was Joel Silver. And I would have loved to see his full story vision come to life. So, opening scene we get a knock off of. Are you ready for some football with a really cheesy friday night is a great night for football. Yeah. Good old 80 style title card in a Western font. For some reason, that was a little odd, but, yeah. Go Friday night dance number. Kerry Underwood obviously has some competition, or she watched this to get her ideas or maybe channeling a little. Who was it that did it before carrie Underwood? Tank Williams Jr. Thank you. Yeah. I'm tipping my phone. I wish they did football on Friday night. That's a good idea. They need to make that happen. That's more of a Friday night's. High school. That was the whole thing. Friday's high school Saturdays, college Sundays, pro and Thursday and Monday because they keep running on. Yeah. Then we get to the La. Coliseum and we get the legendary opening scene. Oh, yeah. Just crazy. Very dark. Not only thematically, but aesthetically. Makes me think that what was it the Los Angeles Stallions can't afford to LightVille? Because you couldn't see anything down on that field, let alone plus it was raining. Yeah. You think they would have called that game at some point. They were hydroplaning. Yeah, I had that on my notes that this game should have been canceled well before the reason it was actually canceled.
Participant #1:
Yeah. We get a star player, and I know they name them, but I don't remember the name. It's Billy Cole. Billy Cole. He takes some pills, gets a call about lack of touchdowns and then they basically tell them there's a lot of money on this game and things. That he's history if he doesn't score. Because he isn't putting up. Because he's the one star receiver, right? Yeah. Star wide receiver. As the owner of the Stallion says. He's the last hero left in the game. But as he catches a pass, he pulls out a pistol out of his pants, which that must have been fun to run with in there. Shoots a couple of defenders, get all the way to the end zone and then shoots himself. That's just crazy. Ernquist and Dick Bucket is doing a live play by play. Oh, yeah, Dick Bucket. Forgot about that. Did you recognize who Billy Cole was? No, I'm not offhand. I don't have that. Or I don't have that. It's Billy Blanks, the guy that went on to make Taibo. Oh, seriously? Wow. Probably we did not use that in the shirt things.
Participant #1:
Yeah. So that's a weird opener. And it's barely referenced in the rest of the movie. Exactly. It seems like it's completely out of place. This is one of my biggest things. Until you understand what the whole Bot concept is, this is really out of place. In all honesty, I think this is the only thing they ever showed in the trailers. It was just a grab them and make them watch it kind of scene. I mean, from a movie beginning, it's great. It's beautifully shot and it's wonderful. But then not saying suicide as I'm saying, like, the scene is great. I think it's only referenced once in the entire movie after this. Yeah. It did not seem to tie in very well with the rest of anything. Yeah. I mean, you think they would have had something about billy Cole was in on the fixes trying to gain something, but no, he wasn't anywhere involved. Yeah. I'm not even sure if they even name dropped him later or they just referenced what happened. Yeah, I think at some point, Bruce Willis just mentions you got wide receivers high on PCP killing themselves, and that's it. Yeah, that was weird. Next scene, we meet Bruce Willis, Joe Hollandback, who is drunk in his car outside of his office. Bruce Willis with hair. Still doesn't look right. Bruce Willis, who I had to look it up. He was 36, I think, when he made this movie. Looking somewhere between 50 and 60, but with a little more hair. He looked rough. But his character was supposed to yeah. I mean, it works for the character. Especially the way we get introduced to him. He's literally just asleep in a car. A bunch of kids throw a dead squirrel on them. One of them tries to take his watch, to which point Joe wakes up and immediately points the gun. Right. That was a little intense. Yeah. Not like pulling your gun on a bunch of kids. And I would assume it was loaded. Oh, boy. When they pan out a little bit, too, you see the cars all parked up on the curb, drunkenly parked. He goes into his office, and he gets a call from his buddy Mike, I think his name is, saying he's got a job for him. And then they talk about the stripper that he's going to see and the finger scale. Did you recognize the guy who played Mike? Oh, yeah. Bruce McGill from Mcguver Fame. Well he's got from Quantum Leap also. Yes. That's always what I think about for him. Surprisingly. I think he's more famous for Mcguver, but, yes, he was also good. He will always be Al from Al's place for me. Yeah. We get some insight into Joe here. As he goes to Leave, he looks in his river mirror and he says, nobody likes you. Everybody hates you. You're going to lose. Smile, you fuck. It's very poetic. I want that on a teacher. This is a guy that's in a dark place from the get go. Yeah. Mike tells him about this job. We get nothing else other than the job pays $500. All right, fine. And then at that point, we meet.
Participant #1:
Is it dicks or nix? I have dix. I have nicks. It is dix, according to IMDb.
Participant #1:
Anyway, jimmy, the former football player for the Los Angeles Stallions, as we find out later. We don't find this out now. He's smoking in a chair over a naked girl in his bed, which is how I like to start every morning. And runs over the bathroom counter, dumps out a bunch of pills right. As the girl wakes up. So kind of writes the backstory of him being a little bit of an addict there. Yeah, he's got a pill problem. He's obviously a philander with women. And then he leaves the bedroom. It's actually the next morning from a large party, some mansion. And you got a football player sexually assaulting a girl in a football in a hot tub. Yeah. Literally holding her underwater. Yeah. Attempting forced filatio. And he's just kind of cracking up about it like it's no big deal. That was horrible. That was very well as being just a creepy asshole. Yeah, true. And then Jimmy throws football at his nose. Breaks his nose. And then that's where we get a little bit about he used to be the best quarterback in the league. Best arm in the league. Yes. We don't know why. We don't know the details. We just know that he used to be in the lead. Yeah. Because they were telling him he shouldn't even be in the house because it's a leak party and he got kicked out. But we don't hear anything else as to why. Yeah. Next, we jump to Hollandback's house, where we get to meet Mrs. Hollenback. And this is a hostile relationship. If there ever was one between Sarah and what we're about to find out and the lovely drawing of Satan Clause that Satan Holland Beck's daughter has made for yes, hollandback is the detective. He deduces very quickly that the toilet seat is up, shower was steamed up, but his wife's hair is dry. So he's like, who's in the closet? He knows that someone's been there and it's a very tense scene. Yeah. He literally pulls up this, honey, you're married to detective. I know what I'm talking about. He literally walks through, pulls, heats up the shower, steam you're dry, who is he? Kind of thing. Which, of course, Sarah continuously denies and basically tries gasoliding for him to be in, psychotic and off his rails. Yes. The way he gets a guy out of the class that he cox is gun points out, I'm going to fire and count. I liked the way he did it. She's pretty much asking him, like, do you want me to open the door so you can see how stupid you are? He's like, no, I'm just going to count to five and I'm going to shoot it. Well, the guy seems to be right at the door and he gets all the way down to one until before she finally jumps in front of it and stops it. And then Mike walks out of the closet and you can see the hurt yet. He knew. He knew. Yeah. But he did go there and not notice Mike's car outside. So just throwing that that's true, but he was probably still drunk. So detective. Yeah. So it's a 10th scene and then he actually walks Mike out to his car, chatting him up. They have a moment where he's like, had her gut, gets to choose. And so he hits him in the gut. Good punch. And then proceeds to ask him about the case. What are the details? Yeah, just like $500 is $5. By the way, what about that job? So then Mike walks over to his car and blows up. Yes. He gets in and it explodes. Yeah. I did not see that coming. I was surprised by that one. That was my first clue that this is crazy ass movie because we don't get any reason why. No, it's not like we've seen why somebody targeted might it just happened of this whole movie. I like the detective story. Elements of the whole thing piece in together what it's all about. It has a good story. Usually in those, though, when it's the characters trying to piece together these types of stories, the audience knows what's going on. And so they can sit there and I don't know, they're egging them on how to figure it out or seeing how they figure it out. But in this case, the audience has the exact same knowledge that the protagonist does, which all of a sudden, the guy that has been cheating or your wife has been cheating on who was your best friend just blew up in his car for no apparent reason. Yeah, short of that phone call the football player. We only know what Bruce Willis knows through pretty much the whole movie. Yeah. So that part was done rather well. One thing it did definitely do, which we later is because he was the guy his wife was cheating on him with. It does kind of make him a prime suspect for the whole thing. Yeah, because the scene follows up with the police are there, the fire department is there, cars blown up, and he got patched up because he got blown away as far as landing in the grass. And he didn't tell the cops that he was there all night. And his wife is relieved at that. And my thought at the time was just, well, he's still trying to be a good guy and not blast to the world that his wife is cheating on him. It didn't even occur to me at the time that that would have put him as a prime suspect. I do have a note here that this is bad dialogue. Whenever I have bad dialogue in my notes. I don't think that was Shane Black. I think that was part of rewrites because why would Sarah pick that time to start berating him, for all his faults outside on the lawn when a dude just died and you've got all kinds of cops in fire department there's a great time to berate into your husband about how he fails on every level. And also, he mentions to her that she suspected for a while that Mike was the guy. Yeah. And she was getting mad at him for not saying anything about it. They could have at least walked in the house to have that argument. It was just why would you have that right at the front lawn? It was very weird to me. Yeah. It's very Jerry sprayer like exposition. You must get it now. They don't like each other. If you hadn't noticed. That'll be stu. Speaking of solely next is the strip club. Yay. We're back with Jimmy drinking straight vodka. To Alex the astronaut, which we get no explanation for. That's true. And it's good. I like it. But to Alex, the astronaut. All I do is lose friends, drink and nail anything with a heart. I also want that on a T shirt. Probably not the same T shirt, though, because I think those two would conflict. Well, you'd have to complete the Tshirt with this weirdass hat with a tassel on it. That was so distracting. What the hell was he wearing on his head? It's just so weird. I mean, fez's are cool. Everyone knows that. But it wasn't quite a fez. I don't know. It was weird. It was just odd because
Participant #1:
this wasn't supposed to be in the future. This was supposed to be set in one. Right? I think this was supposed to be, like, lethal weapon Two and then studios, et cetera, because Bruce Willis was just coming off Die Hard. So he's at the height of his career there climb, at least climb. Yeah, it's a better way to put it. And David Williams, he was actually at a height too. He was doing great. Like I said earlier, a lot of tests. Every single person involved was at a very high point in their career, from Tony Scott. But it's at the strip club, after some bad dialogue and gay jokes is where we get very young Halle Berry. Yes. She is waiting tables at the time, and we find out that she is Damon Wayans, x current. Yeah. And her name is Corey, or at least her stated inventory. So Joe ends up walking into the strip club where she sees him sitting down a table away. And again, this interaction, I did not understand it at all because at this point, we don't know who Cory is other than she is a waitress and or dancer at this club and that she knows Jimmy Dicks. That's all we know about her. Well, she's the target of this particular case he's on because her picture was on the stripper calling card that Mike gave him. Oh, I actually must have missed that. Okay. It was real brief. It was just her kind of in a stripper office. So it's something that's easily missed to where if you didn't see that, you might not know that she's the reason he's there and not sticks, or if he's just unwinding in a strip club kind of thing. And it's a random ham stand. He's actually there because she's the job. Yeah. And it makes a little more sense when she basically walks over, gives them the drink, or give them a drink, and she's like, Should I pay you now? Yeah. Innuendo there when you don't really know what's going on. Yeah. It's kind of weird. But then once she gets called to the stage, then that's when Jimmy goes over to talk to Joe and has to play the tough guy. But he gets put in his place. Yeah. So we find out Corey obviously does not like cops, which I guess Joe was a former cop. Well, we don't really know what he's a former of at this point. We just know he's A-P-I. And does things at this level. I'm fairly sure he was a former cop because he's a former Secret Service agent. That we do know. Yeah. He has a good line here, though, when he's trying to defuse things with Jimmy. He's like, water is wet, sky is blue. Women have secrets. Who gives a fuck? You want a beer? Yeah. But then once Jimmy gets put in his place, then he pulls Halle Berry off the stage, and they go into a back room and they just have a conversation. She gives them the line of, do you want to get back in the league? When they're back there and she finally explains to him that she hired Mike production and then obviously Joe was there taking it over. Now, she doesn't know that Mike is gone, but I'm assuming she knew Mike was going to farm it out. She was also explaining to Jimmy who Joe was. Yes, and while that's going on, you got Joe, who's out in front of the strip joint waiting for them or waiting for her to be more specific, and a bunch of thugs knock them out, pull them to a back alley. Yeah. Again, no concept of why this is happening. It just kind of comes out of nowhere. Although you get the hint that obviously it has something to do with Corey. They're either trying to get to Corey or they're trying to get to anybody associated with Corey kind of thing. While he's waiting, though, he does look up at a billboard, which drops a small clue as far as he's looking at a picture of a senator who will always be Harris from Major League for me. Yeah. But he has a quick flashback. We see him as a Secret Service agent with a full head of hair, and he hears a girl screaming and he's walking towards the door. And that's the end of the flashback. It looks like that's him and another guy standing outside of the door listening to a green screen. Yeah. You know, it's kind of something that this politician is doing. It's a known thing, and the Secret Service agents are just supposed to let it ride. Our first glimpse of the Joe's past. We get a couple more of those as the story goes on. Yeah, we get the pieces together. Hebrewman pretty well. Yeah. Then some random thug takes Joe to the back alley and Joe gets out of it with some terrible mama jokes about the killer's wife. Yeah, because that's realistic. Basically, the whole time he's just insulting the guy and finally goes into into letting him tell a bunch of jokes. And so he ends up continuously telling him the jokes make the guy laugh, distracting him and then knock him out. It's kind of a set up for later on when they're in the woods, but as far as that's just how he deals with these situations. Yeah, but it was kind of a bit unrealistic, but yeah. So he gets out of that situation, stabs a guy with a broken bottle, gets out of there and gets back out to the main drag because Halle Berry and Jimmy are driving away and then car runs them off the road. Yeah, they're driving away in separate cars, though. She's in her car, he's in his car following her, and then Joe is behind them. Car rams into her faking like a traffic accident. She pulls through the light. Jimmy gets stuck at the light as they pull over and she gets out like, what the hell? Why'd you run into me? And then Halle Berry goes out in a hail of gunfire. All the guns came out. Yeah, I wasn't expecting that, either. I expected Halle Berry to be the perpetual damsel in distress. Yeah. They are dropping main characters like flies in this movie. It's ridiculous. Yes. Joe comes running up John Wu style, like slow motion guns blazing. It was just a straight John Wu style. Were there any dubs? That was all it was missing. I have a note here. Bad dialogue aside, the action movies in this movie are great. They're a lot of fun to say. Jimmy ended up crushing one of the guys with the car he was in by running him into the wall. And then the guy that is stuck there between the car and the wall is shooting through the windshield, trying to get Jimmy. So he's literally sitting there with his foot on the gas, leaned over on the bench seat, trying to dodge bullets. Damon Wayans and Bruce Willis kill all the bad guys. And then David Wayans is crying over Halle Berry destruction everywhere on that particular street corner. So next up, we end up at the police station after all that destruction, and we get a scene of dialogue with Bruce Willis and Taylor talking about his weather pants. Yeah. Asking them why they're so expensive. I mean, $650 pants back in 1991? That's damn expensive. Yeah, it's a nice way of showing that even though he had a short career, he's living large off the money he made. Yeah. We also get a hint as to what Joe's former job was and why he's so revered. Because at the time, with the flashback that we got, we just know that he was guarding somebody. He could have been private security. We didn't know that the guy was a senator at the time, so we didn't know that he was automatically Secret Service doing that. But we find out the door break because he saved the president's life, and that's all we get at this point. Yeah. I have a note here. That flashback. Bruce Willis looks like Forrest Gump. Yeah. We get some hints that the cops, at least the lieutenant, really has a dislike for Joe, which isn't really explained, but he's definitely just got it out for him. There's no trust there at all. Yeah. It even brings up complaints that he's been getting from the Bellair PV for that senator, which they don't measure by name, but we can infer that it's the senator from the billboard is getting a bunch of seen phone calls, and then he hopes those calls are not coming for Joe. It seems very petty for that character, but still funny. Petty to bring it up. No, just petty that Joe would do that. I want to know what's on those phone calls. Right. So as they leave the police station, they're trying to decide what their next step is, and Bruce Willis decided to let David Williams come along. With him. He's going to go check out Halle Berry's Park. And we get a good line from David Williams. Stripper could have plenty of rich guys, but she loved me. They get in there, the apartments trashed. They were looking for something, which alludes back to she can get him back in the league. I particularly like the part when they're coming in. Jimmy basically tells Joe that he won't need a key to get in. So when he gets there, he says he doesn't need a key. You can circumvent the security, and his circumvention is just kicking the door. What circumvention security? It worked. Yeah. I mean, he's not wrong. Even though apparently they hated each other on set. I did like the chemistry between Bruce Willis and David Wayne. I think the fact that they hated each other added to their dynamic. We get a weird moment of Jimmy just sitting there, look reminiscing about Halle Berry. And I say it's awkward because when we first met Jimmy, he was banging another girl. And then he tells the bartender at the strip club that he bangs everything he sees, but he's now lost for Halle Berry. Pick one, I guess. Yeah. So Jimmy finds a cassette tape and some pictures that Halle Berry was obviously using for blackmail. They get into Joe's car, and they try to play the tape. And this is where we finally get some more information about what the hell is going on and who's involved. And you get the owner, the stallions, and that senator having a conversation. But we don't get to know too much about that conversation because Jimmy, for some reason, wants to fast forward like an idiot. And before Joe can stop him and warn him that his cassette player is broken and fast forward eats tapes, he hits it, and it starts eating the tape cassette player in a car. Takes me back. Man. That on top of all the smoking in the movie. Definitely a few things I dated. So therein Jimmy decides to take Corey's car home since he rode with Joe. And then Joe comes the realization that Cory has two cars and stops them before it blows up itself. They get a nice clean block of C four that they don't know what to do with, so they actually put it in the trunk. Well, to take a step back as they're arguing what to do with this block of C four, we get two more random thumbs walk up to them. Collective talk a lot. Yeah. It's weird how people are just randomly going after him. You can tell he doesn't know what's going on, but he's just beating the other. That it has obviously has to do with what's happening, but it kind of comes out came out of left field for him. Like his best friend got blown up side of his house. The girl that was his job gets executed, gunned down on the street. He got hit with a pipe and almost executed. And now these more guys are coming up. They think he knows, or they think he knows it has to do with her. But as they walk up, he throws the gut, he throws the seat forward into the trunk. Well, he actually switches it so that when the trunk closes, it switches it as well. So he's just kind of setting up the two thugs. And you got one brute and one whose mr. Vocabulary. Interesting character trait on that guy. He's got a massive vocabulary. Definitely a guy you want to punch in the face. So after some back and forth, they ask where the tape is, and he says, It's in the trunk, finally. And they throw the keys off into the weeds. So the thugs shoot the trunk and explode the sea floor. Jimmy and Joe go flying into the ditch. And I like that. They're two very separate reactions. You got Jimmy, who yells out, Shit, we're alive, with a big smile. And then you have Joe going. Yeah. Hooray. Oh, Sullenly. That's still so bad for Joe. This whole movie, joe basically tells Jimmy to leave, that he'll handle the police because I'm sure the police are going to be called again. Lieutenant again tells him to stay out of police business while another one shakes his hand for saving the president. So you can tell the lieutenant is kind of the outlier. Everybody else seems to seem to like it. I wish we had something on why that lieutenant hates him so much. We never really get an explanation on that. We didn't get a drop on that one. We learned that Joe's middle name is Cornelius. You ever watch Soul Tree? And Jimmy's is apparently danger. Yes.
Participant #1:
The Lt lays into Joe, gives him the right act. I have a note here and no time. This movie after he leaves his house in the beginning is Joe seek medical attention. He keeps getting the shit kicked out of him. He doesn't care. It's kind of a mix between you think he has a death wish or you think he's just too stubborn to die. Like he doesn't think he's going to die. I think he's given up at this point. His wife hates them. His daughter hates them. His wife was banging his best friend. I think he's a defeated man at this point. He's just going on instincts. So then Jimmy meets Joe outside the police station, and they do. I don't know where they're going other than just Joe's house, but it gives Damon Wayans a chance in the car to act all Wayne Zillow. Prince Invitation starts messing with Joe about dating his daughter, which, of course, he doesn't know how old the daughter is at this point. Yeah, which for the right group, she is 13. In the movie, apparently the girl that plays the daughter goes on to be a screen queen. A couple of Halloween. Yeah. Daniel Harris from Halloween. Louise she was in the original Halloween's and she was also in the Rob zombie Halloween. Okay, but what the hell is up with that puppet? Yeah, I did. What kind of 13 year old girl weirdly talks through a puppet? It works out later, but I have a feeling they only included it because of maybe that sounded better on paper, but that was just really weird. This is quite the fucked up family. The dialogue and just the conversations between his daughter and Joe. And for some reason he wants to this random crazy talk about ice creams and fuck ups. It's just a very odd scene. And then Jimmy wants to give Joe parenting advice, even though Jimmy met Joe just hours earlier. Jimmy should stay on the sidelines of that one. Yeah, probably. But Jimmy does open up about who Alex is. He goes to Alex, the accountant this time, and Joe asked him why. We learned that Alex was his son and that he used to be married. His wife was killed in a car accident. She was at the time, and Alex lived for 17 minutes in an incubator. So very sad. Throw some light on the whole toasting to Alex. It's another weird point, though, and the continuity of it all. Because when he eventually leaves the house after Joe kicks him out for doing drugs in his bathroom, the daughter's outside and the daughter says how her dad was his biggest fan, loved everything about him. But if Jimmy was such a great NFL prodigy, how did the death of his wife and kid not even make the news and not be known to the local town? At least that seems like something that his biggest fan would do. Yeah. We find out that he didn't stop because this happened while he was still a player. And Joe only stopped paying attention to football when he got kicked out. Yeah, this probably wasn't the news. It may have just been something he forgot. They may not have named his son. So he didn't know the name out. Yeah, it seems like that's a bit of a missing thing. All he had to do is say we kept it out of the news, sort of thing. It was just weird. This is back in the 90s when people didn't question movie plot points. This is true. We also find out that Jimmy had one of the best game of his life that day that his wife was killed for 300 yards. Did they say how many years he played at all? If they did, I don't have that curious. But they part ways. Jimmy leaves and the next day Jimmy's out at a payphone. Another thing to date the movie, and he gets thrown off an overpass by Chibs from Sons of Anarchy. Good or no, it wasn't Chibs. It was Kim coates, wasn't it? That's Chibs. Yeah. No, he's not. Chibs is the Irish dude with the cutscene in space. I actually can't remember his character's name, but he was like the bisexual guy,
Participant #1:
Tim. That's it. They rhyme. Yeah. Give you that. To quote Cinnamon Sims. He survives this and he tries to playing it off in front of everybody that literally just saw him fall off of an overpass and land on a car. Yeah, definitely. Go try this in a little brand. And there's superday the superday of reference also dates the movie Super Dave Osborne. That's right, man. That reference didn't age as well, but I digress it's. Kind of a funny scene. Let them just play a no acting, super tough athlete stereotype. No, I'm good. So then we get a scene back at the police station now where they realize that the best friend's car was parked outside all night. So Joe is now the prime suspect for killing Mike at the beginning of the movie. Police. Lt is all angry. The son of a bitch right here. Yeah. So this goes back into obviously they found out. So now it goes back to him being the actual prime suspect. Yeah, obviously. Which doesn't really come back again too much. No. We jump forward the next day. Joe is sitting there watching his daughter's sleep. Which is a nice change from the back and forth they were having earlier when she was yelling at him for not letting her go out on date. Yeah, he's kind of having that moment where he's saying goodbye to his wife and kid. He gets a knock at the door, opens it up and immediately gets tased. He's shopping electric stick and kidnapped. Yeah. This is where we first meet Milo briefly. Milo. Hello. Joseph Milo is probably my favorite character in this movie. Yeah, Taylor Duggar does a great job in that role. The cop that the Lt was talking to earlier is actually visiting. Goes to talk to Joe and the wife and find out about that car. I was out front. And he randomly gets shot by Bilo's crew with Joe's gun in order to frame them. And that is never brought up again. No, I mean, it's a brutal scene. Absolutely brutal. The way they shoot that car. You just shot one of Los Angeles. Fine. That's Joe. And then throw the gun out. Then we get one of the best scenes in the movie. This one's great. The pool house right before that, though, is when we get another flashback of Joe sitting the president. We actually get yeah, with that horribly ugly Jimmy Carter impersonator. But I was dating the movie man. There's a lot of those. So, yeah, we had that slow motion flashback assassination at them and then kind of zooms into a daughter or drawing that his daughter made of him in front of the American flags. Creepy looking there. Yeah. This is his tased dream. Yeah, that's right. As he's knocked out. Then we get that great scene where he kills Tig, who is really into just being so you mentioned torture Port earlier. He just wants to beat him down and tease it with cigarettes. Yes. And Bruce Willis has touched me again. I'll kill you. And he absolutely does. Yes. Joe runs a hammer fish straight into his nose, picks him right out. Meanwhile, Milo is in the back behind him, just like he's not freak. He's not crazy about it, but obviously Milo is used to this type of stuff or saw it coming and doesn't really care. I love Milo's kind of demeanor. He's ruthless, but he's super polite and academic. Uses only full first names. He's a professional, leads nothing to chance. He's just kind of a good go to. He's the role model version of a Bill. I can see why Bud picked him on our top Villains episode. A good Villain. I definitely like him. But we also get some great exposition and we find out who the real villain in all this is, who's calling the shots, which is Shelly Marco, the owner of the Stallions. I want to say they wrote him to look like the old Dallas Cowboys coach. Yeah, he's definitely Jimmy Jones. Yeah, Jimmy Jones. Jimmy Johnson. Jimmy Johnson with that. Jimmy Jones? Jimmy. Just Jimmy. We're going to hit it. Hopefully. We don't have any Dallas Cowboys fans give a shit. Yes. But with the Southern drawl and everything, they were definitely going for him. Yeah, the Cowboy had up everything. He comes in and just starts swimming. A guy just died in a pool by the guy that you just kidnapped, and you're just not surely swimming in a bright red suit with just I think at this point, it's just Milos down there protecting. Now, there is one other random guy. Yeah, there's a random guy in there. But now that we're in our end, we get the actual full plot, which is the legalizing of sports gambling by bribing politicians, hence the senator. And they're at the point now where they have to kill people who won't take the bribe. And that's the only way to save MFL. Yeah, and that's the side. He starts going into a spiel about how ticket sales are declining, and then if it continues on that the leads go fold and everyone's going to go under and get legalized gambling is going to be able to save them by being able to get into it. Basically, they tried bribing this particular senator, who happens to be the same senator that Joe used to work for, and apparently he declined. So now they're at the point where they have to take them out or blackmailing or something. We find out that the whole tie in with Corey is that Corey made that recording of the coach talking to these guys more as leverage against the coach so she could get Jimmy back on the team. Yeah. Whereas the coach then took it as obviously it's about something cory had no idea, but it was still central average, so they take Corey out and then anybody who was set to protect or protect her. So it's kind of convoluted. It seems like a lot just to get gambling. Yeah, but it makes sense when they throw the dollar amounts on there. You're talking billions of dollars in 1991. I'll definitely give it unique. It's not your typical it's not your normal run of the mill bad guy scenario in a movie. It's unique to this movie. It's literally about writing senators for Porch bag. Yeah, I mean, the head villain is not just some crazed insane lunatic. It's an actual business reason. This is all being done. It's a businessman who is hired in st lunatics dirty work. Exactly the way it should be done. Yeah, outsource. That the American way. Just get three quotes.
Participant #1:
So then we get a scene at the police station. Now well, Joe is in the custody of the bad guys. So now we cut to the police station. Jimmy's in the interrogation after his fall and he's trying to tell them that, hey, the senator is part of this. Jose wife has also brought in for questioning. She doesn't know anything about the senator. He's trying to stand just to say she's going down and you guys are worried about the wrong stuff. But he doesn't have all the information that the viewers have. Jimmy and the daughter have a moment together. He says, Well, I'll find your dad or something. Yeah. Jimmy gets on the phone and I have the note. Jimmy's on the phone talking to a whole lot of women.
Participant #1:
She is somebody from the head office who is on her team. He's basically trying to have her look into the ticketing system to get the senator's address. Yeah, that's right. And this is when Joe's daughter, he promises her that he's going to fight her down. When in doubt, try the nearest bad guy. I like that one. Yeah, that's a good one. That's three t shirts right there. We should start licensing these. I'm sure no one will come after us. No, not like anybody. Let's bring anyway this is true. Yes. Next thing we get to the center's house where we get to meet the senator in person who is as slimy and stereotypically corrupt as any US. Senator would be. Yeah, pretty odd point. We learned that it wasn't so much the senator is a good guy and doesn't want to take the bribe. It's that he wanted to get more money. It's all about more money. He threw the bribe back and said it wasn't enough. He wanted 6 million, which again 19 $91. The river of the Coaster decided it's cheaper to kill him than to pay them. They should have just paid them. They can add billions without the body count. Join a really short movie. Joe would have taken the job. He would have guarded her for about a week. Nothing would have happened. And then he would have gone back home. Maybe jimmy would have gotten back in the league. Everybody would have been happy. Yeah, except Mike. Mike would have had a rough time. Mike still be alive. Yeah, but he was caught. Yeah. So now we find out that the daughter had actually stowed away in Jimmy's car. And this daughter is crazy. She pulls out a freaking pistol. She's pointing in Jimmy's face. I mean, just this girl is nuts. The daughter, I don't know what the hell. Yeah, it's a little weird. But then we cut to the woods, which is a very big seat. The woods sets up the final stretch of the movie here, where what they're trying to do is set up a photo shoot of Jimmy giving someone a briefcase of money. And they're taking this picture and they're giving the briefcase to one of the senators bodyguards. And the briefcase he gives them is actually full of C four rather than money because the bodyguards are idiots, I guess. Did they even check the briefcase? I honestly don't remember how the things got mixed up. But the intent was they going to take out the senator and they were going to do so with the C Four one, weren't they? Well, they wanted the center to open up. That because the briefcase was rigged. So who had ever opened it? It was going to explode it thinking it would repair. Exactly. And they'd have a picture of Joe handing him handing the bodyguard the money. So Joe, who was already linked to the senator. Yeah, exactly. They have bad blood. Yeah. So it was a good set up, good setup concept. Yeah, they had the right. But then Jimmy is caught spying. So now you've got a gathering of well, once the photo shoot goes down, that's when Jimmy gets caught spying. So now you got a gathering. You got Joe, Jimmy, Milo, and a whole bunch of thugs all in a clearing in the woods. And income is the daughter. This was so out of place, it was ridiculous. I mean, it reminded me of like her from the Halloween movies where she's just creepy. She was acting very creepy. But she's like panting like a dog and barking and stuff and it's so weird. But it works out in the end as far as set up, because she walks up and she gets a stuffed doll again. She's got the furry tom, I think she calls them, gives it to her dad, and the gun is hidden inside the gun she was waving around a minute ago. Basically she's baking that. She doesn't know either of them. Yeah, she's just calling Mr and whatnot? She's acting she's acting crazy on purpose to throw him off. Yeah, handing the guns. He finally realizes what she's doing. Yeah. So then he does his joking thing again, starts telling jokes through the doll and then finally starts shooting the guys. Big shootout. And Damon Wayans joins in. Milo had already walked off, I think by this point. So he wasn't involved and said shoot out. But all the thugs die. Well, not all of them. They're still firing on them. But they get away and they get into Jimmy's car. Yeah. Pontiac Sunburg goes off a cliff. They all survive. That was an interesting little chase there. Milo's car lands in the pool. Like in Rick Dukeamen on the birds. Yeah. Cracks into a gazebo and a little pool. Oh yeah. It ran off the clip over somebody's roof. And then up into the pool again was Milo's car, which had the money in it. And then Bruce Willis shoots the car some more and makes sure Milo is dead. Gets the briefcase out of the car and then tells Rick to come and to call the police and give me your car. And he says no. So he grabs his daughter, puts the gun on her head. Give me the key to go shoot the kid. Yes. Jimmy's just looking at him like, what the fuck is wrong with you? I mean, it works. It does. It does for Rick to common. They leave the daughter with him and he's in go after. And then the daughter is basically described telling him what to say to the cops when he's calling cops. It poor Rick DuCom survives just long enough to get a call to the police because Milo is not dead. No. So now Milo has the daughter and now we get a race to the coliseum. So they're driving, trying to catch up to the guys. As soon as I could pull up next to him, I'll roll the window down and yell at it. They're also channeling a little bit of the Speed movie where he's trying to draw a picture of a bomb on a piece of paper.
Participant #1:
It's an interesting choice that Jimmy can't draw or spell. Yeah. Because he then writes bomb BLM and writes it up there to which the security guards who are apparently Polish start shooting at them. And then Joe explains that bombings fuck you in Polish. So it almost sounds like he set them up for that just kind of a dick move. Yeah, the whole thing. But that means in Polish there was no set up to that. Yes. There was no set up that the guys were Polish or something. Really? This is where we get the line though. If I survive this shit, I'm going to dance to Jig. Which thank God they at least gave us that set up because it would have been really weird. All right, so Joe then shoots the tires out of the limo, gets the explosives and some shredder bullets. Yeah, like a video game. Hey, I got everything right here. Of course. Nice and ammo spot. Yeah. Is this where they get a call from Milo? Yeah. So Milo drives by with the daughter of the car, calls him on the cell phone or on the car phone. Not cell phone, but car phone of the car. They just tells that he needs to back off because he has a daughter. And then that's when they grab all the shotgun in the shredder rounds from that, as well as the suitcase from the C Four and head to the stadium. And Joe finds out that model has the daughter. They get to the stadium, jump out. Jimmy keys the car. He's like, I always wanted to do that. Well, they parked in Shelley Marcon spot, but, yeah, he was already there and parked next to his spot for some reason. I don't know, maybe the signs were misplaced, but good parking. But when they go in there and they get into the player tunnel, and that's where a nice call back to the player that Jimmy broke his nose at the beginning. They're basically going through. They've grabbed hats and coats and tried to look at Cognito, but they run into this, I'm assuming linebacker from build or lineman. Yeah. That recognizes Jimmy, grabs and throws against the wall. So Jimmy pulls a shotgun on him. Yeah. End of that conversation rather quickly. Oh, yeah. But that's again, good set up for the next time we see that football player, kind of. But they make their way to Marco's office. Milo is there with the daughter. Well, I think that the daughter is there, milo is not. Milo is off getting into a place of illumination or whatever you want to do it. Yes. Highly illuminated position, I think it said, because nobody could figure that one out. Yeah. We get to see Marcoan be quite vicious here, though, being creepy with the daughter number one. But then he puts Jimmy's hand on the table and shoots. It goes back to saying how violent the movie is. They show it. It was rough. Yeah. Life is pain, son. Because he also monologues a bit about what happened to Jimmy after his wife fight. He basically got hooked on Demerol. Yeah, it wasn't after his wife, it was injuries from the game that got him hooked on Demerols. And that's how we ended up being an addict and getting kicked out. It's a nice bit of dialogue, though, as far as Joe quick thinking on his feet, because we get the mention of the blackmail tape again, them claiming that they have it and something happens to them. It doesn't go to the police, it goes to the mob. Which I thought was a nice blunt, because at that point, it wasn't something I thought about. But, yeah, if sports gambling to that level is legalized, then the mob would stand to lose tons of money. So it was a very good bluff. You can't really tell if Joe and Jimmy are on the same wavelength in there. It's done well because they're both internally panicking. What are they going to do? How are they going to get out of this? Joe has his method. Jimmy has his method. It works out in the end. But it's nice that they're I think it shows their internal panic. Well, yeah, because Jimmy says that he's got the I guess he has the tape. He's got the dollars. Yeah, he's got the money. He's got the money in the white BMW, which the car they route. The white BMW parked in your spot. He says he's got the key in his pants. And then, well, Jimmy stops ad libs, basically punches Joe and says that Joe doesn't have the tape, that it's in the locker. And then Jimmy's got the key. Yeah. It was one of those things where you start to think Joe or Jimmy is trying to throw Joe onto the bus, but it was one of those, I just had an idea, and they act fast kind of things. It was hard to tell if they were on the same wavelength. I think that adds to that. Up until he said, when he said, Joe doesn't have the tape, you're like, what? You just do? Yeah. And then I turn the tape to the locker and I've got the key. It's like, I think I know what's happened. He pulls out the key, air quotes and says, I got the key, and he tosses it in the fire. It's one of those new plastic keys, the kind of shreds which Joe yells. They realize that it's one of the shredder bullets or shredder rounds. Yells at his daughter to get down, and then they both stuck, and the thing just explodes. Fire and chaos and bullets, and people are burning alive. Pretty human sacrifices. Dogs and cats living together. Yeah, people in fire. Weird on fire suit. barkone gets away, and you see him running towards the parking lot, sees the briefcase in the BMW, shoots the window in full public view and grabs it. So literally, the owner of the team, who is highly recognizable, just shot a gun. It's early 90s, late. Now they need to stop Milo from shooting center. They got to find a way. So Joe's going to try and get up into the lights. Jimmy goes on to the field. They tell the daughter to go find a cop, which I wonder what the hell she's going to tell the cop to make her believe any of that. Yeah, this is mine. Joe makes his way up into the lights, and Milo's got a fully automatic sniper rifle. The rifle made me laugh. Jimmy goes down to the field, steals the stallion. The mascot goes right down the field. The lion sees them, and for some reason, the lineman is surrounded by cops. It says. There he is. So I guess the lineman was doing that the whole time with cops trying to find him. Probably, yeah. He must have gone and tried telling security about him after he got his shot. Jimmy gets the football from the quarterback and throws it at the Senator. And I got to say, the bullet hitting the football is. The dumbest thing in this entire movie. That's everything from trophy to poor physics to just everything. That was kind of dumb. I would have rather have seen him hit the Senator. The Senator goes down and then the bullets fly over. I think that would have been much better. But to have the football explode was just stupid. That's my opinion. But the fight in the lights is good. Yeah, that's brutal and raw. Yeah, that one I like. Milo has one of the best action death scenes to me that I've seen. That was pretty awesome. He has a fight with Joe up in the rafters. And then there's a police helicopter. Once Joe gets away from Milo as far as Milo stabs him in the leg punches and gets away from a little bit, the police helicopter lights up. Milo, with all kinds of bullets, falls off the raptors and lands on the other helicopter blade. So I guess there's two helicopters. Long live TV in front of 30,000 people. What a way to go. And then Joe dance is a jig. Yeah. Silence falls and everybody's looking up in the lights. And there's Jimmy being lit up by the helicopter search lamps just and everybody starts tearing, of course. What's going on? Yeah. They got to be completely baffled by what they just witnessed. I have no idea what's going on right now. I can only imagine what I'd be thinking after, say, live on television. You see a guy get shot up and then fall on a bunch of rotor blades and let alone the people underneath that helicopter that were splashed with bits of Milo. It's just so weird. It is. So now we've got the aftermath. Out in the parking lot, Joe finally confronts the Senator and gives him the same line as earlier. The head of the gut. Yes. Gets a good punch in on the Senator. The wife professors her love for Joe, says, I'll buy a dog. She's lonely. Joe proceeds to tell her that he hates her. Yeah. Look, you Sarah, you lie bitch. The concert hair, it's bit in your face. I mean, these T shirts just write themselves.
Participant #1:
You can't tell if he's serious or if that's just kind of their thing. Yeah, because she kind of starts laughing when he says that. Yeah. So if I were to bet your guess, I'd say it's their thing. That was the way it cracking the jet. He does say earlier at their house, I wish I didn't love my wife. So he does still love her. Yup. But then they notice the briefcase is gone. And then in the distance, you see a mansion go boom boom. Because the briefcase of wedding was actually in the trunk, not in the passenger seat. Yeah, and it bit of true. That explosion was reused for last. tection hero. Then we got our final scene. The wife and the kid are finally showing Joe some respect. Wife backs him up and she's like, yes, dad, or something. And Joe asked Jimmy to be his partner. Starts talking about the tricks of the trade. Beginning of a beautiful friendship that will not end well. Probably not. So for me, this movie was a lot of fun. But, man, it was all over the place. I loved the story, I love the action, but the whole thing was off. With the dialogue, the editing and the pacing. You could tell that there was just a lot of craziness and changes. It didn't seem like a cohesive movie. Yeah. And there were a lot of obvious tropes they put in there. Particularly the whole checkout gun thing where they'll show you something in Act One. It's going to be used. I'm actually going to use an act two things that happened a lot. Yeah. There was a lot of set up, which is, to me, Shane Black on storytelling. He's very good at that. Which the key for that is subtlety and not making it super obvious. Agreed. Like the whole shredder bullets thing. That was super obvious. Super obvious. Like, oh, they're going to use these soon. So does it hold up today? Yeah, it was a good movie. Football and gambling, always topical these days. Story wise, yes. Acting quality, no. Yeah, acting quality. Dialogue, no. People are a lot more stricted on things like that nowadays. Yeah. There were a lot of jokes and dialogue that definitely don't really hold up in the vein of relatable or political correctness. So there's gay jokes in there. The guns, explosions. There's a lot of things that are a bit out of place. The biggest thing to me is just the fact that it takes so long for you to even understand what's happening. There's so much time going through. You basically don't find out a lot of the movie until the third act. Yeah. You're over an hour in. Definitely. Yeah. At least the end of the second act. Yeah. The movie was told from the antagonist perspective. I guess that would be Taylor negron. Milo. I'd like to see it from Shelley. Mark owns Position
Participant #1:
CDA. Literally. The business side shows the set up of the whole thing. Yeah. Where it's all unraveling because of this. Because this stupid private detective that has nothing to do with it. This one guy in a stripper, or it could be Lifestyle of a Professional Hitman. From Milo's perspective. He just gets randomly hired to take out a senator over a sports betting deal. Who was this movie for? Honestly, I'd say us. The football loving, action movie loving guys in their twenties to 40s. People grew up in the nineties and who loved those, like Lethal Weapon, Last Action Hero Stereotypical buddy cop action. Yeah. I think that if I asked my wife to watch this, she stare at me. Crop side. Notice to watch this one. Yeah. What about where are these characters in six months to a year from the end of this movie, we're going to assume that they are highly successful private eye duo akin to the TD series site. So I have specific answers for this one. I've got Joe and Sarah divorced. Easy. The daughter is in therapy, no surprise there. And Jimmy is jimmy is back at the strip club and or dead. Yeah, I don't think that there is a future for any of the people in this movie. Yeah, nobody got better after this one. Joe still being a pi but just hangs out at the strip club all the time. They probably wouldn't. Well, other than the fact that his girlfriend was gunned down outside of it, it might be some memories there. So if you were to recast from the leads at the time it was made, who would you pick? This one is kind of hard considering this was the time of the delete. The weapons and the diehards. The Die hard three. I love you. Got. Bruce Willis and Samuel Jackson were perfect for that movie. And then, obviously dot Mill Gibson, Danny Glover. I don't know. I kind of lean towards Tom Cruise or Val Kilver. I think they would probably have had fun as a rundown cop in this role. Yeah, I could see that. I actually did the same concept with Sylvester Stallone. You're just all about tangling cash. I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, like picture this with Todd Cruz and Chris Rock at the time. Although I can't see Chris Rock playing a former quarterback. Tom Cruise with Chris Tucker. Can you picture Chris Tucker as a quarterback? No. Cuba getting Jr. Oh, there you go. I could totally see that. That's a good one. The time frame though, that's when I could see. Yeah. When was Jerry Maguire after this? Definitely went after this. Late 90s for a different version of the movie. A lighter, darker or whatever. I just put that this movie to me is ripe for a remake in today's environment. Yeah, I would watch the hell out of that. I can see this. And if it was done today, I think it would be done akin to how they did the 6th day where they actually used real things that existed, like the XFL. So they'd probably model it after the XFL or USFL or something. I could see that. Yes. But I could totally get behind with CGI inside. Just having a more cohesive writer director, producer put together this story with the gambling thing as the primary plot point and then the buddy cop detective movie. I think that would make a great remake. Yes. You can get the girl for Annabelle. Play the daughter. Crazy daughter. Need to bring back Shane Black to write, direct and produce it. Just let him take the helm, do it his way. The Black cut. So where would you rank this as far as appropriate for your own kids, dudes? New. That would be new. Whether it was the on field murder suicide or the strip club boobs or any random thing. I'm going to go with no for my kids. Yeah. Real shocker there. Yeah. It's one of the reasons it took so long to watch this one. You got to find time. The final movie thoughts from you to me. I mean, it was like I kind of said before, it had all the vibes of your typical 90s buddy cop type drama with a really convoluted lot that was unknown majority of the movies that kind of took away from it. From the watching experience, you're more trying to figure out what the hell is going on, then actually try to follow what the characters are doing. So I think I understand why it was done that way and I can respect it a little bit, but it took away from the viewing experience a little for me, trying to piece together what I thought the plot was only to be completely wrong. Yeah. This movie has a lot of wasted potential to me. It did a lot of things right, but it did a lot of things just wonky. And we've already talked about a lot of interference on there. But from a very solid story that I would like to see done well, it was just too much iffiness in there for me to really say that it was a great movie. Yeah. I even have one of my final thoughts. The most memorable part of this movie is that opening scene that has absolutely nothing to do with the rest. You're absolutely right. They could have done a lot with just throw away lines to put for breadcrumbs. Something about gambling at the beginning, the spread or there's a lot of money or just there's a lot of different things throughout the whole of the movie that could have laid better breadcrumbs so that halfway through the movie like, oh, this is about sports, gambling and politics. I had no idea. Or maybe we're just a couple of yokeles that didn't pick up on all the subtle things. So who would you recommend for the cinema decon hall of fame? Because I'm undecided on this. Yeah, I'm already decided on this, too. I'm undecided. You're undecided? Yes. All right. I am decided. Decisively decided. And it would be Taylor Negro. Okay. Fortunately, I like Bruce Willis. I think he did a good job as playing the strock cop and everything, but pylon hard grown as character Milo is by far my favorite in the show. You're right. I had down Bruce Willis or Shane Black. But you make a good point as we talk through this. We had nothing but good things to say about Taylor Negro. If you think about his other roles with nothing but trouble or he was in fast Times, nothing like this, and he just embraced that stoic and academic level of ruthless villain. It was really good. I can get on board with that. Congratulations to Taylor Negron. The latest deductee of the Cinema Decon Hall of Fame. All right, now is the time in our show where we rank the movie based on our fan review while also adding in the IMDb rate. This is a ten point scale and the average will put the movie on our megalith. Steve, how did you get this movie? I ranked the last Boy Scout a 6.6. For me, I actually went a bit lower. I've got it at 5.5, primarily with all right, let's see. And we're both low. IMDb has this at a solid seven. Really? Yeah, by our powers combined composite score of 6.37, which puts this at number nine on our list, below cone heads, but above ten cup. I'm okay with that. Nothing against ten cup. It's just not my kind of movie. This is actually puts it right. And again, also a lot of the majority of this ranking is IMDb. IMDb throws us off every time. Yeah, I was going to say, have we been really close to anything IMB has done yet on a couple hackers? We were pretty close. We gave it in the sixes and it was a 6.2. Good night and good luck. We were actually a little lower, but by only by .4. Our mid range ones are close, but it's our top two that are that IMDb really lowball. Them three migos and idiots said the imager. Well, we got paid for this does not make us professionals. That is true. We get professional badges, which thank you to Levi for sponsoring this movie. Appreciate your support for the show and please feel free to purchase another. Yeah, when they finally do, take our advice and do a 2020 remake or 2023 remake of The Last Boy scalp two, The Next Generation. We look forward to having you recommend that one as well. Now I've got the next generation of music stuck in my head. There's word scores. All right, media pitch. What are you listening to, watching or doing these days? Oh, man. Yeah. So the one I've got into most recently probably is the new Paramount series Halo, which is based on the old Xbox game of the same name. It's one of those where as soon as it was announced, I was almost certain they were going to screw it up. I haven't played Halo in quite a while and I haven't played all the big games, so I wouldn't say I'm a diehard fan or anything, but I remember the original games and I thought there was no way they would be able to get this right. I know there are a lot of people out there that are diehards fans that aren't happy with some things they've done, but I would say, all in all, I think they've done a very good job. So I'm pretty happy with that. It's pretty cool. Yes. I know that there's a lot of reviews out there about some excessive wokeness and stuff that doesn't affect it at all. And I wouldn't even say that. It was just a lot of things. Like, one of the main things is that in the video games, you never see the protagonist master chief, that is, Helen Off, and they made decision to humanize him and take his hellen off in the very first episode. A lot of people didn't like that. To me, I think they were just trying to not be the next Mandalorian and not make the helmet at what point yeah, there's something else. It makes more sense that he actually would take his helmet off. Yes, I guess there would be something. That's me. So for me, it's kind of funny that you mentioned it earlier, but I'm going to go kind of a retro throw here to psychic, just completely randomly. My wife and I, we been going through from the beginning because it's all on Amazon Prime right now. Yeah, that's a hell of a good show. It really is. The dynamic between James Rhodey and Duly Hill two leads is phenomenal. And all of their clips and banter those two characters would fit right in on cinema decon. Then you get into the cameos throughout the whole thing, from Tim Curry to William Shatner and so many good plot points. You can tell a lot about a person by where they recognize Tim Curry from. Well, he's got so many, the first thing that pops into my head is Clue, as always. Yeah, clue. Or Rocky Horror. Then you got Penny wise. I love them in Congo. I don't care how bad that movie is. He was Diamonds,
Participant #1:
but his episode of Psych, he plays the Simon Cowell character on a singing competition. So he goes over the top British insults in every scene. It's great. And he just like, relishes being that dickhead. It's really a good episode. So he was literally playing Simon Cowell. Yeah, more or less. All right. Okay. Next up, we will spin to see what we're watching next. Actually, we will not be spinning this time around as we have another Aid movie request. That's right. Our next episode comes from fan of the show Jamal, who wants to hear us ramble about two movies, actually,
Participant #1:
predator Two, which Jamal says he will be joining us for. Predator Two. Excellent. That one. Man, I've seen Predator so many times. I think I've seen Predator, too, maybe twice. I think Predator might give our top spot a run for its money. It's a pretty perfect movie to my recollection. Yes. And Predator Two. I just remember it was fun. Danny Clover in there. But Jamal apparently loves Predator, too, so he's all in on those. All right, cool. We'll look forward to catching up with him and catching up with both of these movies. I didn't see it alone. Jamal, who recently joined me on our other podcast, Music Rewind, where me and him talk Alabama Shakes. Sound and color. Look for that sometime in June. For those that listen to Music Rewind, which should be all of you, right? Of course. All of these people.
Participant #1:
Well, that's all for this episode. Thank you for listening and we hope you stay with us through this little experiment. What do you think of the last Boy Scout? Let us know in our social and we'll be sure to tell you how wrong you are. Please don't forget to subscribe to leave a review wherever you listen. Check us out on our website in the show notes to see the full list of these leads we'll be covering in our rankings thus far. Be sure to give a listen to our sister podcast, Music Rewind, which has season two airing Mouth. We'll see you next time on Cinema decaf.
Participant #1:
I have Dix.
Participant #1:
a podcast from the Sidereal Media Group. Back to you. Anchors.
