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Predator 2 (1990) - Movie Review, Analysis and Deconstruction

Writer's picture: Sidereal MediaSidereal Media

Show Notes and Transcript

Aaron and Steve with special guest Jamaal Milton discuss the 1990 sequel film that continued the never-ending franchise, Predator 2. The most elite police officer in Los Angeles, Danny Glover, can single handedly take down Colombian and Jamaican drug cartels, but how will he fare against an arrogant enemy whose only focus is defeating his prey in the craziest and most elaborate way possible, ie. Gary Busey. (There is also an alien hunter that gets in the way.)

Movie: Predator 2

Director: Stephen Hopkins

Starring: Danny Glover, Gary Busey, Bill Paxton, Ruben Blades and Maria Conchita Alonso With special guest Demetrius Jamaal Milton of DCBAudio360, @dcbaudio360 on Instagram


Cinema Decon Ranking

Aaron: 7.25

Steve: 7

Jamaal: 8

IMDB: 6.8

Composite: 7.26


Cinema Decon Recommends

Aaron - Harley Quinn

Steve - Hamilton

Jamaal - Criminal UK


Transcript as follows:

Participant #1:

Almost get through that with a straight face. I'm a professional.

Participant #1:

Hello, and welcome to the 15th episode of Cinema Decon, Deconstructing and overthinking the movies of our younger years. My name is Steve, and on this topic, podcast, we will revisit the movies that we keep in the back part of our minds as flawless masterpieces, untouchable by any criticism. And hopefully they stay that way. Join us as we re watch a randomly selected movie of our list of 300 plus from the. With me on this journey is my co host, a man who will always follow gary Busey and his secret government organization. Aaron. How are you tonight, Aaron? I'm doing pretty good, Steve. I've actually been really productive around the house for the last couple of weeks, so it's nice to sit down, relax, talk to movies. So, what we do here at SIM Decon is a rewatch of an old movie with the hopes that they're still as good as we remember them. Then Steve and I meet up to talk about it, point out our high and low parts, and give it a rank and place on our mega list. Before we watch our Target movie, we first record our memories and recollections of it, then proceed to go and watch the movie. So far, our memories have been both perfect and completely wrong at the same time. And for something a little different today, it's getting kind of crowded here in the Scenario Media studios. We have an intruder, I'm afraid. Indeed it is. It seems we have our first episode guest on a full movie review. It is my pleasure to introduce a longtime friend of the show and its host, Demetrius Jamal Milton. Welcome aboard, Jamal, and tell our listeners who you are. Hey, good evening. Good to see you all. I miss you all. My name is Jamal. I'm an audio engineer mixing engineer. So record and make your favorite artist sound like your favorite artist. I've been doing it about five years now, and I'm here for the Smoke. I heard you talking trash about my movie.

Participant #1:

If you had no idea what you're talking about, jamal is a Predator Two super fan. This movie can do no wrong, ever. I don't know about that. Let's go to the videotape. Today's movie is the 1990 film Predator Two, directed by Stephen Hopkins, starring Danny Glover, Gary Busey, Bill Paxton, Reuben Blades, and Maria Kachita Alonso. We'd like to thank our guests for sponsoring this episode. With a generous donation, you can request a movie yourself. Just go to www dot dot cinema and click the cut in line movie request. Get your movie in there. So, Aaron, this will probably go quick. Do you have any specific recollections of Predator Two? I remember Danny Glover's in it, and I remember the Predators in it, and I remember the spaceship at the end. That's about it. And it's like Predator takes Manhattan kind of thing. It's in a city or town? I'm pretty sure it's in Latter takes La. Predator takes manhattan. Sounds good. And instead of Central American rebels, you've got gangs. Yeah. And I assume Danny Glover is a cop because is he always a cop? He's either a cop or a baseball coach. He's getting too old for this shit at this point. I think Gary Busey's in there somewhere. Whoa. All right. But yeah, everybody remembers the end scene. Oh, yeah. I'm hopeful because Jamal said this is one of his favorite movies. And I love Danny Glover. He's great. I'm curious out of more than anything, I'm curious because I want to see how they follow up arnold versus Predator. How do you follow that up with Danny Glover versus the Predator? It's a different type of character. It's going to be a different type of combat. It's going to be a whole different dynamic. Yes. And it's your urban warfare with a military. So this is from a Prey perspective, this is kind of a step down, I would think, for the Predator. That's what I'm saying. Nothing against Danny Glover, but your basic police detective is not a special forces guy built like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yeah. So I'm curious to see how Danny Glover outsmarts them, because we remember the ending. We know that Danny Glover lives and spoilers him, tossing him that pirate's gun, and then Danny Glover's got the gun. Oh, so they've been doing this for centuries. Yeah, just overly I'm curious. I can't say I'm excited. I'm curious. Yeah, definitely curious. Like I said, I've seen it a couple of times, but it's been a long time. All right, we will go off now and watch Predator Two. Aaron is too old for this shit. Los Angeles, 1997. It's the hottest summer on record. Pollution is choking the city. The gangs control the streets. As bad as things are, they're about to get worse.

Participant #1:

It has almost no weight, but it cuts like steel. Incredible weather did this. Took out four men armed with machine guns by hand. You don't know what you're dealing with. Otherworld life forms drawn by heat and conflict. He's on safari. Lions. Tigers. The Bears. Oh, my.

Participant #1:

Daddy Glover. Gary Busey. Ruben Blades. Maria Kachida. Alonso. Bill Paxton. Predator Two. He's in town with a few days to kill this Thanksgiving. And we're back. We have watched Predator Two initial thoughts and how'd we do on our prewatch. What do you think on that one, Jamal? Did we get it right? Did we get it wrong? Yeah, we're some haters. I think you all got it right for the most part. We got the basics down right. Yeah. From what we remember of it, because we hadn't watched it in a while. Trying to just a few things that we remembered. I think we got those. We got the urban jungle, the gang wars, and then the ensemble. Gary Busey. I completely forgot. He was surprised. Yes, I am surprised. I forgot about Gary busey and Bill packs. And Bill packs. Rest in peace of Bill packson. I'm not entirely sure I ever recalled Bill Packson being in that. I was like, it was so annoying yet so I hate to see him go. The only reason I knew Maria Concida Alonso was in there is because that's pretty much one of the only other major movies she's done other than Running Man. Oh, she wasn't running, man. That's the only thing I know her from, was Running man. I forgot she wasn't running, man. I forgot. But yeah, no, you all had it right, though, man. For the most part. Aaron is still a hater, though. What are you going to do? Well, as we get into this a bit, man, danny Glover. I have thoughts. What's wrong with Danny Clover? He did fine. I don't know. The Predator singles him out as his primary target. And why? I don't know. I really don't know. Like, he did fixate on them, and then so he decided to kill everybody around him. But I don't understand why. If you really think about let's be real about it. The movie could have been over in the first five minutes if you wanted to extra man out the film. Like, it could have been over almost immediately. So I'm not sure what was happening there. I thought Danny I was like, if I close my eyes and just listen to the dialogue I felt like they wrote that for, like, a young Denzel or something because of the way that he played the he gave the speech to Bill Paxson in the office. This is my speech. I only give it once, kids, to pay attention. That's classic old school denzel. Yeah, you're right. I forgot the move I'm thinking of with Denzel and Training Day. No, not training day with John Goodman. The move with him and John Goodman where you know what I'm talking about, right? Like, that sounds like when he was a cop and he was trying to figure out the thing, so yeah, but yeah, that's what I thought when I listened to him. He could have said, I'm too old for this shit. At any given point in the movie. I was waiting on that. It could have been his only line. Absolutely. And Bill Paxson is to be like, game over, man. It's game over. That's what I was waiting on. That was his character from Aliens just in La. It is. And he did it at the beginning of act three in both movies. Yeah. And went out with a bit of redemption, too. So it was exactly the same character. Yes, it was. And I'm okay with that. It worked here. So you imagine the Predator focused in on Danny? Well, Predator One was a near perfect movie. It really was. It was well written, well acted. Everything was great. My only complaint is letting everybody know Aliens at the very opening. Whereas predator two, I love the setting. I love the urban jungle thing. I even like the opening scrawl where it's like the woodland outside of La. And then it stands up and it's La. That was cool. I liked that. But then you've got Danny Glover as the new lead, and he's not Arnold the first Predator was there to take out the prime alpha male human specimen he could find, and he found it, and then the next one comes in, and it's just like, well, I got Danny Glover. I guess he made an up armored vehicle out of a sedan. I guess that means he's really smart. With as many bodybuilders as there had to have been in La. It is surprising that he picked him out. So the only thing I can think of is he recognized the social structure and saw that he was somebody that was in charge, and that made him think, okay, well, he would be a better target. I thought it was after that exact scene, though, when he iced the four dudes with the shotgun, when he just went toe to toe with the four guys with the shotgun. And then the prayer was like, oh, you know what? This dude, he's different. He's different. So maybe I'll give him a little bit of he gave a one liner. He's like, hey, assholes, let me announce myself to four people with automatic weapons. Mossberg against four dudes with automatic weapons.

Participant #1:

That's like, every day in La. Right? Right. And let's not forget this was a futuristic rendition of La. This was in the distant future of 1997. Is that what I'm supposed to I was looking for that in that opening sprawl. When you've got the it turns into the city, and then you've got the it says Los Angeles, and then you start getting this voiceover of, like, the news chatter mixed in with gang gunfire. It's 109 deg. It's a war zone out here. Los Angeles never fares well in futuristic depictions. Have you noticed that? San Angeles did all right, though? That all depends on your definition of good, because I don't know if I'd want to live in San Angeles either. Be well, my ass. That's a great philosophical question. Does. San Diego is better than predator Los Angeles. I'm a fan of Taco Bell. I mean, if you put a grand piano in Taco Bell, I'm there. You're doing something right. We're getting a little off topic here. Okay. All right. We got to save this for when that movie actually comes around. Yes. And I never understood how that door managed to hold off. I don't even know how many rounds they shot at Danny Glover when he was standing behind that door or sitting behind that car door and, like, the one that was dead center in his chest. I'm like, My man, you got, like, a 30 y six, and this man just yeah, you put some 1990s flak vests over a car door and after what we have just seen in that opening intro, you're talking massive car explosions with grenade launchers and all this kind of stuff. I got an idea, guys. Just rip off the driver's side. I'm going to lean out. It'll be fine. Yes, I've got this. Don't worry. But hey, as a ten year old in the theater saying that that dude is the man, right? They even got time for some terrible dialogue, like right in the middle, where we get to meet his right hand man, Danny, and then Leona. How's it going? It's not a good day, sir. Not been a very nice day. I like the nice little cameo of Tony Pope, the news reporter, though. Do you catch who that was? Is that Robert Downey Jr's. Dad? It's Morton Downey Jr. Yeah, Morton Downey Jr. Sure is. But he was TMZ before TMZ was a thing. This was accurate casting. Accurate casting. La. Was the fourth time hardcore TV. The part that I never understood, though, is like, past that firefight is when she said, we're keeping the pin down from going in the building. But if you look at when they panned over, like the camera went over the top of the firefight, literally, it was 5ft to the door. They could have just had one dude shoot or light fire, and then everybody literally could have walked to the door. There was nobody in between. That's kind of what they did. But once Danny got around eventually and then they all went in the building before he even showed up. Like when they came over and they showed it when he first showed up and he said, well, yeah, we got them pinned down between here and the door. Not really, because there was no top cover. Everybody else was on the other side. So before he drove the car in, they literally, el Scorpio could have just laid down a million rounds and they literally could have just walked into the building and did everything. So I think they just wanted to fight at that point because LAPD was looking like some real suckers at that point. Yeah, LAPD is not really painted in good light in this movie. Are they ever, though? Yeah,

Participant #1:

rush Hour is the closest one I can think of. I was going to say La. Confidential. But then I thought about La. Confidential. Yeah, that's not going to work either. That's not going to work either, man. So once they say El Scorpio and crew these are Colombians, aren't they? Yeah, Columbia. So they retreat into the building and then the orders come down to say, the Feds got to wait for the Feds. And then we get the I don't wait for the Feds for nothing or something. Tell the Fed they can kiss my sweet ass.

Participant #1:

Daddy Glover is such a rule breaker, that guy. I know. I'm also a huge fan of the Columbia drug lords, like all getting high while they're restocking, waiting for them to come in.

Participant #1:

He palms a whole bunch of cocaine, enough that he starts speaking English. His English got perfect syntax and everything. Tell them Scorpio is ready. And then the prayer came, dropped in. I was like, damn, I don't know what kind of coke they got. Shoot. And that's exactly what they were probably thinking. They're like, what the fuck did I get? This is some strong shit. I just had mountains of it sitting in an open grass right next to where the sweatshop workers are. Oh, yeah, big box. Everything that's going on outside. You had a good point. The sweatshop workers are still going

Participant #1:

well, they get ambushed by the predator that we don't really see. But Scorpio gets pushed out into the hallway. Danny and team are there with that terrible SWAT team and he still gets out of that hallway. How the hell does Scorpio get out of that hallway now? You know the SWAT guys that went up with them were going to be cannon fodder. You know that they were going to bite it as soon as he said, go up there with them. You all got no names. I even checked the credits.

Participant #1:

So as soon as they went up there, the only person I think watching the scene was firing back with Danny Glover. And I know he had to shoot through the fire extinguisher. I guess that went off and that they were danny Glover was like 5ft from them. Hey, man, isn't that how most gun fights happen?

Participant #1:

But Danny Glover is the most elite warrior in La. Hey, don't act like Arnold just went up there and was smacking around the Pratter. Now I believe he got bits left in the middle of the pond, did he not? Oh, no. We'll get to the final fight. We'll get to that one. City warfare is different than the jungle. I wish all Scorpio had survived. Me too. He had a great destiny, but he was such a fun character. For like the minute and a half he was on screen, it was absolutely insane. I want to be that guy. I want a conversation between Oscorpio and King Willy. Yeah, just a conversation. Yes. How did you go out sitting around the table? What happened? I cannot tell you who he is. I have seen the strangest sheep. Man, you would not believe me. Watch that scene or when they were in there in the armory. I was like, man, the whole design of the bare 50 cal has not changed since 1989.

Participant #1:

But as far as the handguns, since it's the future, you got to add all kinds of contraptions on those handguns. Yeah. How do you deal with that thing? Yeah, those things aren't light to begin with, let alone you put a gigantic was it a scope they're never used? No, I think it was just infrared dot on Danny Glovers. Anyway, I don't know what the hell the issue in LAPD. Like he had a Desert Eagle. Old girl, had a 45 long barrel. I was like, what's going on? Well, Harrington's trunk, he opens up his trunk and he's got a bag and he's got a little arsenal in there. Oh, that's right. I got one strapped to the hood of the truck too. Yeah, that's what I need now. I think about it though. So he had the guns in the bag and he had the shotgun to the top of the car. On top of the trunk of the car. But he destroyed that car when he ripped the door off. So later on in the movie, I don't know if you want to skip ahead or whatever is that his own car that he did that too? No, I think it was a department car. But I mean, was it the one that he drove in on? Like his own personal no, I don't recall. He had something to drive away with. Okay. Yeah. He wasn't hitching it back. Even still this great strategist there's 30 Columbians firing everyone. You know what? I need a shotgun. That's going to do the trick. Yes. This Mossberg put in work and the shotgun even had a scope on it too, didn't it? Yeah, everything. Let's take some pipe fittings to the top of every single weapon. Make it look future. Because this is tactically relevant for all of these detectives. Got this unnecessary shit. They had a flashlight and a scope and an infrared thing. What is going on? What does patrol have if you all got this? Well, considering the crime in 1997, futuristic la. I mean, they needed something different. Yeah, they do need some heavy artillery. That is true. But when he got to the roof and if Danny Glover would have waited 2 seconds I get it. Do point some oozies at you. You guess you're going to shoot them or whatever. But him and Danny saw the invisible version, the outline of the program when they got there. Now, if I'm a detective and I'm using logic and I know shit ain't right, like I saw something and it just kind of played it off well. And then you tack that onto the armory investigation right after, where you got guys hanging from the rafters. You've got blood bath. Obviously it's the Jamaicans. Yeah. Style. The street games Jamaicans, we just hang people 30ft in the air and then what's really upset I wish they would have followed up on is if the fed showed up. Right. He shows up with all his minions that are all dressed alike, gray slacks, black jacket. Because we got to identify who the Feds are. Exactly. And nobody bothered to tell the Feds that homeboy was in the rafters. And then if they go back up there, the printer took them with them, the home was gone. So what's that investigation look like? What are you investigating at that point? Yeah, that's never even brought up. Because as soon as Danny's crew leaves the room, the predator pulls them up and takes them somewhere. Yeah, takes them somewhere. Never followed up on, but takes them somewhere. So it kills or so okay, I'm going to send back to the ship as trophies. A naked deadman in the jungle. All the skulls and shit, they really don't explain why he pulled it away. Because the jungle, they left that one squad there and stuff hanging, and then he leaves the Jamaicans hanging later on. Next comes scene. So why did he take that one, other than just to show that he came back? I don't know. Just to come back and tell the boys, this is what? I'm out here. I'm out here. I'm out here doing what? He's out here playing with his food, fucking with Danny Glover. On that note, this particular Predator compared to Predator one, this one has an arrogance to him, this guy. Like I said, he likes to play with his food. He's putting on a show. Because you said earlier this movie could have ended right there on the roof. He could have taken him out quite easily. But he wants to bully him, right? He wants to play with them and show what a badass he is. Right? But Danny's not paying attention. That part, he's focused on play. Hating on the feds. Well, I would, too, if the Feds landed a helicopter in the middle of the street. And then, what the hell? You can't do that, man. It's 97, bro. Do whatever you want. I got a nice, slick silver helicopter. I can land this anywhere. The fence wearing all gray and black, riding a silver helicopter. Like, you can't even be more 90s than that right there. I will say this, though. I knew his sidekick, Danny was a goner the moment he fondled his necklace and they held the camera there. You talked about when they were in the army. He's in the army. He's like this. He's like something a right? This doesn't fit. And it wasn't zoomed in on his face. It was zoomed in on his necklace, like, okay, that's a rat. That's going to come back. And he's gone. Yeah, it's a rat. Why don't you mention the damn bear claws going up the side of the wall?

Participant #1:

Seven foot wide handprints are going up the wall. In their defense, they were locked out of the investigation. Keys took it over, but they were in there. When he saw that, when he showed him the body up to go on the wall, he was like, look up there in the middle. Maybe they did, but remember, the computers were erased. That's true. They took the time to put everything in the computer, and then he raced it. That's true. That is true. So, yeah, shout out to El Skorpio. He's a real one. He was crazy. And that's the most memorable part for that scene, for me. But the part that in the next one when they went to his boss's house in the penthouse. From a security standpoint, before we get to the Columbia Park, we got to take a stop at the police headquarters in downtown Baghdad. Yeah, that's right. That's right. The Lone Ranger. The outside of police headquarters and the inside reminds me of every government building I've ever been in Iraq. Did it not look like solid Ramadi? It looked exactly like it. You got the barricades outside covering graffiti. You got a long line of just angry people, and then inside is absolute chaos, and you got people being, like, body slammed behind the desk. LAPD has no control over this city. If they can't control their own headquarters, what the hell is going on in the city? Yeah, that is real. That's flashbacks. That's flashbacks, because nothing was in control over there, but it was like it almost reminded me of, like, Grand Theft Auto. Like, you hear, like, parts of different parts of people's conversations. Maybe you should have called a plumber, not the police. Random ass convention is happening. I was like, okay, all right. But here is where we get Bill Paxton. Jerry reminding me most actually, of his character from True Lies.

Participant #1:

As he's telling these stories, I'm just picturing Arnold Schwarzenegger punching him. He's like, I got a small dick. I got to tell lies,

Participant #1:

Lieutenant. I'm the new guy. Yes, and that's where we get the famous speech. My denzel speech. This is my speech, kid. I only give it once to pay attention. The team comes first. He does give that speech. Well, I'll give Danny credit there. Danny probably should have been the captain. Danny Glover. No, I thought about that. He would have been a good captain. And then he had Denzel Washington play the Harrington role. That would have worked out really well. I could have gotten more on board with that. How much money do you think they got? What kind of bunch do you think they got, bro? Was that after densel's oscar. Oh, no, that was before. I think that was before. Wait a minute. Glory, was it? Yeah, it was before glory. I could have got him. Maybe I thought as a captain, that couldn't work. Danny lover. He played baseball, coaches and other things that I can think of where he's given those inspirational speeches. Or I wouldn't call this one inspirational, but more necessary. But we learned a little bit about Jerry. He is a good cop. I think he's got the right heart to it, but he's definitely trying to prove himself, which never ends well. Yeah, he's definitely overcompensating with that suit he was wearing, too. Every suit that they had on Bruh. Especially, though, like, why are we wearing suits in La.

Participant #1:

We also get a scene in there with Leona showing that she's girl power badass putting Jerry down. Another similarity to his role in Aliens. Yeah, you're right. When he was hitting on what's her name? Hey, Basquez, you ever been mistaken for a man? No. Have you? No, have you?

Participant #1:

Yeah, I did like, though, that when they're in the captain's office later on with Gary Busey comes in, and he's all smiles. And I'm here out of the spirit of cooperation. We're just here to take down the bad guys and make La. A safer place. It's very non Gary Busey moment. I enjoyed that. It's the sole fact that we know it's Gary Busey that we know not to trust that. Absolutely.

Participant #1:

He was the only person in the whole movie whose suit was fitted correctly. So you know that little secret symbol on the tie class? Yeah. Never really explain it. Yeah. I was like, oh, he ain't a DA. This dude is a supervillain, and all his opinions wear the same outfit. Like, no, you're talking about disappearing cops and stuff on a different type of time. He even hired a Baldwin. There the man they called Jane. Was that a Baldwin? That was the man they called Jane. Yeah. He's a different Baldwin, though. He's not related to the other Baldwin. I thought he was a cousin or something. Is he not related? I don't think so. The young dude that was, like, the last guy you want to mess with, he's a Baldwin. Garber. Okay, what's his name?

Participant #1:

Garber. I didn't give him a name. He was like, Gary Busey's right hand man. Yeah, he'll suck it up. We'll have to talk about him later on because I got problems with him. All right, where we are now, we're getting to the Colombian department. Yes. And if you are at war with the Jamaican Voodoo Posse and some dude just iced, like, ten of your guys, you got two men guarding just the top floor of your penthouse. Be fair. That penthouse was high up. Oh, that penthouse was, like, 50 stores in the sky. Yeah, I get that. This isn't like what's his name from Scarface. It's not like his compound where it's like a three story mansion, but it's huge. This thing was, like, floor 50. Yeah, this was a skyscraper. And still, five dudes from the ops managed to make their way up the stairs, undetected, and kill all your men outside the front door. Yeah, they did just kind of walk in. Yeah, they killed four dudes. You're trying to do your thing, wall girl. And then these dudes busting the house. I've been upset. I'm glad they killed my security. I'm like, no, hell no. And then but the more important question is, how did the predator and why did the predator choose to show up there? How did he work out that he needs that? That's where he wanted to go. Because that one doesn't make any because he didn't follow anybody there. We're supposed to be picking apart your movie. Yeah, I know. It doesn't make any sense.

Participant #1:

I could say the only reason is he was tracking. One of them. We just didn't see it. That's the only thing that I can come up with is that he was tracking them. It's just not something that was filmed. You got to make an assumption for it. Yeah. He saw these guys on the street somewhere loading up ammo, and he trailed them to where they were going to go and then took them out. That's the only thing you can assume there true. So then he shows up. The Jamaican, they didn't even put up much of a fight. I mean, they really couldn't. One of my problems with the Predator is if you're okay, the guy can be invisible. He could stay invisible and just slaughter the whole room in 30 seconds. So he'll occasionally make himself known and then kill somebody. If you're going to be that arrogant and that much of a badass, kill the invisibility right off the bat. Take away the handicap and then do it. Exactly. Show them what you're made of. And now he's got to be a pussy. Yeah. Danny Glover could have done that if he was invisible.

Participant #1:

Yeah. And I was going to say that's something that they apparently just never think of it, because even in the first movie, the only reason the camo goes away is because of Malfunctions. Yeah. With the water. He did at the end take off his mask and a lot of his other equipment to say, okay, let's do this. But this guy definitely wants the advantage. He wants to make sure he doesn't lose. He doesn't care about it being more of a fair fight. He just wants to show his superiority. You know what would have been cool? And I don't know how they could have done this, but maybe he was going for quantity. Like collect as many trophies as possible. Notches. I don't know. Because to our knowledge, he didn't take anybody from the apartment. He just hung them all up. He didn't take any skulls. He didn't take any trophies from there. Right. But if he went back to the alien ship and then there's another predator, there Predator Bob, and he's got only five skulls. But our Predators got 16 skulls at Bob. Yeah, the month. So you calling the prayer a sucker comb a pussy because he left his invisibility cloak on? Yeah, absolutely. All right, so is the invisibility cloak that allows him to be bulletproof, too? No, we've definitely established that it's just camo. It's not any type of shielding. Now, he wears armor. He does have armor pieces, but it's not like folk. They're still openings because he has to be moveable. Gary Busey says later that he refracts light around him. So that does that whole yeah, but it's not armor. It's just a piece of tech. Because I remember them shooting right at him. And then I don't know if they went through and then he didn't move out the way because even later on. Discuss when something else happens. But they were shooting right at him and he didn't move because that's when he fired the little net that chopped up in pieces. Which to me is probably the worst way to go in a movie. If you get hit with a net that just slowly closes over your entire body, that's a pretty horrific way to go. We also established that his cloaking technology does not extend to his weapons, as all the guns he pulls out just hovering in midair, completely visible. So that's got to be a little trippy to see, too. Yeah, he didn't have as many weapons. He didn't have those type of guns. Yeah, basically he had his shoulder laser, which apparently is covered because we never all that like the spear, his claws, his wolverine claws. So those apparently are covered, but yeah, external, like firearms for lack of a yeah. So after this massacre, I have two questions. One, how does Tony Pope, the reporter, end up up in this apartment, let alone he's, like filming it from outside. I mean, it's like, how the hell did he get up there and kind of outside on the balcony filming this stuff? Oh, him too. He's definitely got a source in the LAPD that's feeding him all this stuff. For ratings, most likely. Yeah, but if he ran up that fire escape or the fire ran up the stairs, he'd be hurting.

Participant #1:

Jerry has this question, who the hell is King Willy? Yeah, well, if you're this super gung ho climbing the ladder, I'm here to help take down the La. Gangs. And you don't know the kingpin's name. Yeah, fucking the door, bro. What you been doing, man? He could have had such a better line. They're like, oh, yeah, fucking King Willy. Or, no, not King Willy. Who is King Willy? Yeah, give that line to one of the suits or one of the extras. That's a terrible line to come out of the shooting, cap. I agree. That would have been a good redeeming quality of him. The way they portrayed him as kind of like a dead head asshole kind of thing. But at least he knew about the gang and everything. He should have known everything. Like, he should have studied those binders, and he should have known who's King Willy's number two. Who is his number three? All the family buff. It would have made for a good scene of everybody stopping looking at him like, how the hell do you know all this? Like, if he walked up to one of the dead guys and said, oh, man, this is King Willy's number three. Man, that would have been a million times better. This is going to piss off King Willy. Yeah, that's a pretty horrible line, that is. I agree. Now, as far as old boy manages to sneak up to a crime scene past the feds, the supervillain Feds, and the police, I got nothing. Because I don't know how he managed that one? I don't know. Well, we've obviously established the security layout in this apartment is horrible. Doors and extra hallways come through. There's a painting that spins around. There must be a supervitory house only elevator that the Jamaicans came up in and then found his way to it. Before, though, before you. I do have to shout out the Jamaican that did cut out old boys heart. His outfit was oh, yes, that man had on gold hammer pants, paper pants, gold gold boots. Oh, my God. A golden blazing vest, some gold chains. But you can't have no goldie. I was like, that man right there is a legend unto himself, and he has two six shooters. I don't know what he planned on doing that, but shout out to that guy. A lot of flash on a lot of those guys. Wait a minute. You got to be the shit to walk around La. And some gold pants, bro. And some gold boots. You got to be the man, bro. But now I got no answers for you, man. And you're right. He should have known if you transferred from Rampart, which in the real world was actually one of the most corrupt and in real life in La. For a long time to go down here to this. Yeah, you should have known exactly who you're dealing with. But it was just cops and robbers, dunking Donuts. Shit. Yeah, I got nothing there. You're right. And KEYS'TEAM. The professional feds, they miss an obvious little spear tip that Danny notices as soon as he walks into place. It's lodged into the was it into the ceiling or into the wall, like inside? Air conditioning vent. Yeah, air duct. You know what, man? I do have a question, though. I mean, I know you all are the one deconstructing it, but no. Did Danny go over find Danny's body when he was supposed to meet him there? Because it just says that he found because he got the spear tip, which means the Prater never took it with him after he killed Danny. So at what point did he get the spear tip from Danny? He said he prided out of his hand. I got a note about that. We are skipping ahead, but when Danny goes back to recon, danny goes back to visit the apartment after hours. And he has a hell of a time getting past all that crime scene tape. I mean, that was killed. Yeah, epic crime scene tape. But for some reason, the predators there, I would assume, maybe he went back for his own tip. Maybe, I don't know. But he didn't get it. Finish your breath. Danny Glover gets his hands on that chip after Danny dies. But the corner says that Danny was boned, like spine ripped out and stuff. But somehow he kept a hold of the spear tip. I got nothing, man. I got nothing. I don't know. It's because Danny Glover is the most elite strategist in all of La. And he knows how to do that shit. He trained Danny so well that if you ever get your spine ripped out, make sure you hold on with a firm grip, whatever you're holding in case I got to find it later on. Yes, your deboned body laying in a heap.

Participant #1:

I did like, though, the Predator saying, Danny boy. Oh, yeah. Playing the audio back, though. Yeah, that would freak me out. That'd be enough to I probably would have peed myself. No doubt that if I would have heard, first of all, I wouldn't have been up there. Let me start right there. Yeah. I don't know why he was still in the building. And how did you miss him if you're the Feds? Was he there the whole time? Was the printer there the whole time? When the Feds were there, he wanted to make sure they put up enough caution tape. Oh, okay. Moonlighting as an OSHA spread is kind of a dick now I think about it. Oh, yes, I definitely agree with you on that one. Yeah, you're right. Steve, he does some real biggest things. So after the investigation, danny Glover sends Jerry out on a tailing mission to follow Keys. They find out that they're doing some slick shit because the girl, the one witness, survivor, she wasn't taken to the station. She was taken to that helicopter and then whisked away.

Participant #1:

I got a note here. It says, Jerry is a slick, greasy dirtball. And Bill Paxton at his best

Participant #1:

because after he's done talking, danny Glover, he goes and hits on that girl in the bar, and he's just a slimy dirt ball. I love it. Yeah, I can't argue with that. Is that the one where he's like, oh, hey, I'm going to talk to my sister. Oh, you're not my sister. That line works all the time. Yeah, I'm going to try it if that shit still works. Well, I'm going to try for sure. So Danny's dead. They got the next day, we're back at police headquarters, and they've got the nice old trope of reading all the bad deeds of a cop out loud off of an old computerized voice. Yeah. Tell me that voice and reminds you a total recall. Yeah, I could see that. Yeah. And it wasn't the next day. It was three days later. It wasn't three days later. The only reason you know is because when they go downstairs and he says, when Kinchida and Bill Paxton are talking to Danny and they say, we've been following about Keys. We've been following for the last three days. Okay, good catch. I didn't hear that because I have a note later, like, man, they bury Danny quick, right? They wasted no time with dancing.

Participant #1:

I didn't hear that light at all. Yeah, I thought the same with all those budget cuts on the LAPD. Waste no time, like granted out. Just throwing from a plane call it a day. Wondering why they had that TMZ style news show on at the police headquarters just on in the hallway. That's their go to news, right? Yeah. It kind of makes you think that maybe that's the only news left in 1997. In the future, everything is the only survivor of the news wars. Now every news station is Tony Pope. Man, that shows kind of prophetic. I'm just saying. Yeah, it was yeah, kind of peep in between the cracks here because this was 90 I don't know when CNN made it worldwide large, like all airports and stuff, but then as far as that kind of journalism with the paparazzi and stuff princess died. Died in like 95, 94, 95. Mid 90s. Yeah. That was a prophetic moment there, just having him there. But I'm sorry, I mean, to cut you off. I know you. Well, the police headquarters still chaos because Danny Glover can fully assault a federal agent in the middle of a hallway. No one gives a shit. Yeah, I forgot. And what makes it even worse is that if you look in the background when they did a close up on Gary Busey, the captain walks right by him and just stares him in the face. Does he really? Yeah, he does. A little slap in the face and then the captain walk. Which means the captain was there the whole time, since the top of steps, while lieutenant was smacking around a FET agent. When the captain did reprimand him right after Danny's. Like, this is personal for me. I've taken him down, whoever did this. Okay, well, I guess Danny, whoever's the new police chief can do whatever the hell he wants. Chain of command be damned. Danny's best that guy, man. I mean, you smack around that agent, look at the captain like he's an idiot. I want these scenes with Denzel Washington now. I know, right? Vision in there. Gary Busey would have apologized and left. I'm sorry. You're right. My bad. You're at my doors now. In fact, let me show you my van. What we're doing here's? The Keys? Well, you stand a better chance than any of us highly trained federal folks, but yeah. So as Jerry's been tailing Keys and they convinced Danny to keep moving and continue the investigation, they say that Keys'teams was setting up radars all over town, which clues the audience in on. Okay. They are actively tracking this alien that's definitely something way out of the ordinary other than just what we've seen so far. And that they lost them in the slaughterhouse district, which means nothing at this point, but we'll get to that. I would like to see what kind of radar technologies they were working with. That's just the SATCOM site, I guess.

Participant #1:

Well, the very next scene is inside of the Keys headquarters, and we get to see all their tech as far as the screens and that they're monitoring various points in the city. On all the screens it says OWLF, but we never find out what that means. That's like their acronym. Do you guys know what that is? Is that when they're setting up on all of their screens inside the Keys tech van? It's their logo. It's got the little logo of the tie clasp that guarantee wears and then OWLF, it stands for Otherworldly Life Forms program. Top secret CIA program. Interesting.

Participant #1:

No, I knew that. No. Yeah, I just Googled it because I missed that detail, too, I'm sad to say. I was so entranced with the amazing acting and story and plot line that I missed that detail was the accuracy to see if the number of screens match the number of dead people that was going to be in the slaughter. I counted eight screens. Okay. Did they not leave tech people back in the van? Wedding in the van? Go. Yeah, that's a great question. You're the tech guy in that van. You're not going in the van. I'm not going in the building at all. I don't get paid, stupid. I got to go make some cables, boss. I'm just going to VPN in from home. I can work from anywhere. It's okay. You don't need me in the van itself. I can do this from my couch. I'll be damned if I'm about to be anywhere near the aliens. I'm going to say that having the correct amount of screens to the correct amount of henchmen, that's a James Cameron level of detail that you're not going to get here. Yes, absolutely. I mean, they tried it though. They tried it though. Props on for trying, but no, I didn't even know it's. Lwlf, though. That's a good one. Then they move on to talk to the coroner and she is one bitter old lady. Yes, she met. She is. The feds trumped her and she is not happy about it. I am the chief pathologist of La County and they have shut me out entirely. Yeah, lady, we get it, baby. Come on, what you got for us? And they give her the tip of the spear, just the tip. And she's like, oh, it has almost no way. And there's all these unknown elements. This is amazing. Here, have it back.

Participant #1:

Look. They come walking out and Danny Glover is holding it still. You didn't want to study that thing further. What could she do, though? Well, she had no without drawing anything. But screw the fact that she's left out, that could have made her career. You think that would have let her lift? Well, she would have died. As true as soon as she became public with it. She'd been dead before she got off the podium. You're not going to just introduce new alien tech? No, we got to go late. It wasn't the Jamaicans, right? Exactly. Who was you going to send that email and she did. Yeah, this is where I got the note. So they put all the info in the computer and then took the time to delete it all. Why did they put it in the computer? I mean, that does sound like some federal shit, though. That sounds like well, in the rulebook, the amount of time it would take to put all that info in the computer in 97 very true. Some intern had to hand jam all that shit and then turn around. They walked out of here with three crates of floppy disks

Participant #1:

in the old school floppy disk, 3ft by 3ft. Oh, yeah, somebody's bad. They had zip drives. I don't know what those were. 97 was a different time, man. 97 through 90s eyes.

Participant #1:

Yeah, you're right about the five and a quarter flop. They didn't have much as far as high hopes for computer advancement in the seven years all their memory was taken up by Danny Glover's antics in his file. I took up all the memory. Yeah, you're right.

Participant #1:

64k memory. Yeah, just to get those five sentences out. Probably killed that computer. I mean, it's a lot of voice files, too, to get the computer to talk to. Yeah, right. And not to mention the color photo of Danny Glover on that screen. I mean, that's shit high quality JPEG right there.

Participant #1:

Yeah. At least four floppies just for that alone. You're talking about just to upload that image with that picture? Yeah. All right. Well, next up, we get the amazing scene of King Willys alley. Danny Glover and Jerry, they walk out of the headquarters with the spear tip. We're in some awesome fedoras, I'll say. Yeah, they were rocking the fedoras, bringing those back. And then this big Cadillac pulls up and you want some guns?

Participant #1:

And Jerry pulls a gun on them before they even open the door. Yeah, Jerry lucky and get his head blown off right then and there, even though they were from the police station. Clearly, nobody's checking for these dudes. So I guess in 97 in La. You could probably really do it now, but you're in a Caddy with a tiger strike or zebra print. I don't know what the hell print that was on the roof with some gold rims. The King Willys scene from the Pimp car all the way to King Willys desk is great. It's like one of the highlights of the movie for me. Even though it has zero bearing on the movie, it is completely irrelevant. It means nothing. Yes, I can't argue with that one. But to me, it's like, yeah, I think I should do anything other than the fact that they could have had Jerry say, hey, my informant with the Jamaicans, they don't know who's doing this either. Right. There you go. Once again, another way that they could have vindicated his character a little bit. Absolutely. But didn't he and maybe get to later on? I mean, he took his head as they took his head. His skull shows up later. Do we know it's his skull. I mean, I thought that was Jerry's skull that was on display at the end. There's two if you look at it, there's two of them on there. And my research a little bit. I think his was the other one. Okay, then if that is true, then maybe his visit to the Columbian Heads apartment was the purpose of he's taken down the heads of the three triangle that he sees the Colombians, the Jamaicans, and then Danny Glover is the head police guy to him. So maybe that was his goal, is to take down all three just for the cement. Your theory that he was just kind of addict, like he could have yeah,

Participant #1:

but I did love the King Willys scene, though. Just his delivery and his dialogue. Tell me why babylon. That was great. I cannot tell you who he is, but I can tell you where he is. And he is everywhere. Between the worlds. Between the worlds. And it's the same every time. As soon as you would roll the bones, I'm leaving. Like, man, fuck this king Williams on some other shit, and he know he about to die. Let me ask you this. Would King Willy have died had he not pulled that sword? Yeah, I think he would have been. It would have been it. Anyway. I did like the little callback, though, to Predator One, which I think it was a call back where the predator splashes in the background. That's how we enter the scene. Drop. I think that was a callback. Yeah. And the electric in the water reacting to his cloak. Yes, I believe so, too. But shout out to King Willy. He's a legend. He was in there for 20 seconds, and he's a legend. Why do they keep coming to a plant that's 70% water and it rains all the time? I don't know, man. I don't know. Yes. They didn't do proper recon on that. Well, the first one they sent never made it back to tell them

Participant #1:

there's some lore there, that everything that I guess is happening is being sent back to the mothership. It's all being recorded and sent. That's why when Danny Glenn says, you're one ugly mother, he finishes that sentence. Right? Because he knew what happened to Schwarzenegger. Okay, now, that lore came out of whatever the hell I read online. So I don't know if that's fan fiction or if that's actually true. Plus, we of course, find out in later movies that these aren't the first encounters in the timeline. But up to this point, we've only know about the two. Yes. At this point in this particular movie, at this point, this is the only one that we know about, right? Yes. Because Gary Busey mentions Predator One later. Does he ramble off some other things, some other instances? I don't remember. I don't think so. I think he was just referencing the debrief from Dutch. No, he did because he said yeah, ten years ago, 300 city blocks. He said he named off Tel Aviv, Beirut, he named off conflicts. And he said that they've shown up at these conflicts as well. When heat and conflict, they've shown up bears on mine. Yeah. They basically like to insert themselves into their preys battles. Right. Take them both out. And take them both out.

Participant #1:

Yeah. So he did reference those a little later on. Well, I did also read that character was written for Schwarzenegger. Which one? Keys. Keys was written for it. Yeah. That kind of would have been dope. If you would have showed up as Keys, that would have been hard. That would have been dope. I didn't know that. I didn't know that. Yeah.

Participant #1:

If that was Dutch, it would have explained Keith's enthusiasm and taking it personal. Yeah. He wiped out his whole unit, but now he's working for the same people that double cross him. Yeah, that's true. That would have put him in the CIA bucket. That's right. That would have been hard. That would have been hard. I would like to see that taking Dylan's job. Yeah. So next up is we got a phone conversation where Jerry or someone's telling them, oh, they got a speakerphone back at the police headquarters, and they say that Keys is a decorated, protected agent. Nothing they can do. But this is where they find out that the spear tip had steroids and cattle blood on it, and that leads back to the slaughterhouse. Correct. And then Danny Glover has his thoughtful moment staring at a taxidermis shop. Oh, yeah. He realizes he's being played with. Yeah, because old girl Kancheta says, first Danny, then King Willy, he's playing with you. Right, okay. And they realize that they're just being hunted. Right. That he's just toying with them. And then, if I remember correctly, he goes to the funeral. He goes to where they buried in. He goes to the cemetery. Yes. Oh, the cemetery scene. This scene right here.

Participant #1:

Movie could have been over right here, too. Yeah. And the kids and little kids. He should have got his head blown clean off. The printer would have pretend like he has morals and stuff. But, I mean, my kid get out the locked would have got his ass beat with my kid, first of all. But why is a kid playing with a toyuzi in a graveyard in a graveyard in La. I don't know, the 90s, bro. Do you remember if they had, like, the toy ooze have the safety tip on it, the bright red it was indicated that it was a toy. It was bright orange. It was bright orange. Okay. I think the only reason he knew that it wasn't a live weapon, I mean, when he changed field division, I'm assuming I think he did he changed the field of vision and realized it wasn't a real weapon, which I don't know how he quite did that, but when he focused in on the Uzi, he realized it wasn't an actual weapon. Lowboy didn't bite it. You want some candy? Yeah, you want some candy? Creepy ass? But say Harrington, Lieutenant Harrington, danny lover, the excellent elite cop that he is. It has the bright idea also to just leave an actual LAPD badge. Right? Let me just leave this here. It'll be fine. This man should not be a cop. I'm sorry. You're going to put some respect on Danny's name. There you go. Put some respect on Danny. I could have put in there, but his actual badge? Yeah. I got nothing, man. Going to the funeral and put it in with them, maybe. But you don't set it there.

Participant #1:

I'm watching the movie by myself and I sat loud like, Wait, what the fuck? Yeah, you're right. I need to think about that, bro. That's a pretty horrible thing to do. It's irresponsible. But then he sees Danny's necklace hanging from the tree. So with the predators just messing with them because you're expecting, like, a trap. I was expecting some sort of trap, but no, it's just the Predator. Yeah. Being a dick. You know what I was expecting? I was expecting, like, the dead kid to come flying out of the tree. Oh, yeah. Because the cut scene, the way they cut it, it was like hitting with the war some candy. And then you see the thing, then the music kicked in and just frantically waving his gun. What are you aiming at? Infrared flashlight. Terry without ever looking up? Yeah. The damn thing was hanging from the tree. Didn't even look up. Just throwing that out there. That's a man should not be a cop.

Participant #1:

Oh, man. Oh, man. You're right. I got nothing. Man, he should have retired when they killed Gary Busey the first time. Lethal weapon, Joe. He wasn't. Yes,

Participant #1:

Mr. Joshua. That was his name. Bud's Top. Five villains, man. I forgot all about that.

Participant #1:

Okay. All right. I forgot about it.

Participant #1:

So things start to kick into gear now because we got the big subway scene. Yeah. This scene was pretty hilarious to me because everybody has a gun. It's like being on martyr. I don't see the problem.

Participant #1:

It was great when the guy that was getting bullied pulls out a gun and he's like, I know how to use this. And then they turn and everybody on the subway pulls a gun. Yeah. Old lady's got a hand cannon. Yes. My mind is bigger. I was like, oh, man. Yeah. Mine will be writing the market down to Five Points. That's a candy store for the Predator. As long as they got a weapon, free game. Yeah. So was it just coincidence, in your opinion?

Participant #1:

I think that the Predator, at this point I'm talking with you all that he has taken out the Jamaicans, he took out the Columbias. Now he's taking out the cops. And so he was tailing Jerry and Leona. To the subway and found their car. And somehow he's statistics of that identified Danny Glover as the leader. So he wants to screw with him and take out all of his teammates before finally going after him. Yes, since they're separated, just like in the jungle where the other one had to pick them off one by one until he gets to the big boss. But that's why I think it's coincidence, because he bypassed Leona. He went by her or she went by him because the dude, because he lands come through the ceiling, everybody flips out, everyone's letting off rounds or whatever. And then she didn't have her gun out or whatever, but she was crawling against the wall when he was walking down the middle. And then Jerry was this the time when he scanned her or no, you're talking during the carnage. Yeah, she was walking along the walls and everybody get out. So he had to walk by her to do that because they were both because when everybody was pointing when the game members were pointing the guns at the citizens, whatever, jerry and Leona were on the left hand side. Then you had in the middle, you had all the people, everybody with guns. And then he landed at the other end of the trailer. He came through the ceiling under end of the trailer. So everybody points the guns at him or lights go out or whatever. Everybody is just shooting everywhere. So she had to go by him and through all the people to get everybody else off of the train. So you don't think that Jerry Leona were the targets? I don't think they were the targets. I just think that they were it was like it was coincidence. I think they were the targets. But he felt the need to clear the room first because he was born well, a new threat presented. All of a sudden, he's got 2030 more people pointing weapons at him. He's like, oh, okay, well, I'll deal with these people first. This week's episode is brought to you by the Keys original no Heat temperature regulation suits. The new and improved no Heat Plus renders your personal heat signature completely undetectable while still keeping you cool and sweat free, thanks to our new patent pending lead thread triweave Fabric keys Original, America's leader in counter surveillance. Active wear since 1990. So this is why I say in his armor, because Jerry put two whole magazines at him and a golf ball. And a golf ball. So Leona looks back and she can see Jerry shooting at something, and there's no ricochet, there's nothing making it to her. And he is steady advancing on, shooting at him. And nothing. No ricochet, no nothing. So is it bulletproof? I'd say for fire, it's got to be some sort of bulletproof and that's sort of thing. He is wearing armor pieces, like chest piece and arm straps and everything. It's not the cameo that's doing it. It's the armor that he's wearing underneath the camo. But he does leave that pretty much unscathed. Yes, there's all kinds of small arm fire. They show people at least one dude do hitting them. But I get what you're saying. I see how they could be the target. I felt like they just happened to be there because he just hit the train. But now I get what you're saying. Though, looking back on it, I can see where you're at with it. Jerry sacrifices himself for the greater good. Goes out of hero shot. Credit to Bill Paxton there. Rest in peace, Bill Paxton. The legend. Indeed. I did enjoy the whole all he's got left is a golf ball. Let's dance like menace. It was a pretty chaotic scene, but it was a fun, actually, scene because I didn't really care for the dark. I don't really know what's going on. I didn't notice the owner crawling on the side or whatever, anything was happening so fast. But I did like how it kept flipping to predator's point of view. Yes, I did like to flip back and forth to that. Yeah, that was probably one I forgot about that part, actually. When I was watching it again, I was like, okay. When it just had a little cut scenes of him grabbing her face or whatever and then smacking dude around and pinned the other guy. Yeah, I thought that was cool. I thought it was probably one of the best scenes. I remember seeing that in the theater and being like, WTF. I agree. But I see where you're coming from. I'm still stuck on the cheapest guess. I guess you win this one, Steve. I guess afterwards he sticks around to confront her right outside the subway after the emergency brake finally gets pulled. They sure waited a long time to pull that ebrake. So the subway stopped. She's outside, she's a lone survivor, and she's looking for Jerry. And the President is there and picks her up by the throat. So he waited for her. Yeah, she was definitely a target. He changes his mind, though, after scanning her. Yeah. Ever so relevant plot point that she is pregnant. Who the daddy? Because for the longest, I thought it was Danny. But

Participant #1:

how long has Gerry been around? Are we talking about a couple of months here? At this point, Jerry is just slick enough to pull. We don't know how much time has passed since all this started. It's like two months pregnant. Low key. See each other for like two years. Don't want anybody at work to know. So he transfers to a division like the sea every day. We got to put on a show here. Grab my balls. That would be an awesome subplot.

Participant #1:

Yeah. So he puts her down because he scans her and sees that she's pregnant. And then as she's getting wheeled into an ambulance outside, harrington rides and he sees her and the paramedics say I got a fetal heartbeat. Okay? They mentioned it twice. Never again. It's just never talked about at all. I mean, what we got to talk about, though? We know she's pregnant. That's why he let her live. I just want to know who the daddy was.

Participant #1:

She did say that she loved Danny at one point. I will bet money there's a threat out there somewhere that has all the research on this. I feel like it's like rule 34 of the movie. It's the captain. That's why he's mad at Danny Glover, because he keeps putting her in danger. All right,

Participant #1:

where's my script template for rewriting this shit? Yeah, I know there's a reddit threat on this shit somewhere.

Participant #1:

So then we get back inside the subway, and they're reviewing all the dead bodies. Five gang members, a bunch of civilians. They're all armed. And with everything that's going on, the predator is apparently still there.

Participant #1:

True. Danny, because he is the most elite cop in all of La. I'm going to run this guy down on foot, take care of this myself. You have to admit, though, man, when he turned the corner in his gray linen or whatever cloth suit and he saw Jerry get his spine ripped out with head oh, you know, you got to admit, that was pretty cool. It was totally evokes the Mortal Kombat vibes there. Absolutely. Hey, subway full of cops. He's down here. Follow me.

Participant #1:

Angle is not going to put anybody else in danger. I know, right? He's got this. Are there any other pregnant women down there? Follow me. Yeah, that's what he needs to do. Like, any pregnant women, duct tape them around him as a human shield. Instant protection. Give him super. Soakers,

Participant #1:

yeah, between Jerry getting his spine ripped out and then the scream, I don't know if that was, like, a homeless person in the tunnel or who the hell that was screaming. Are you able to scream as your spine gets I mean, he was already dead, though. Yeah, because he was hanging they just saw the badge on the ground. That's right. Yeah. And he threw him out. He threw them out the train or something, and then he just had his well, at least he left his badge. So Danny Glover can leave that in the cemetery. Right. The captain should have no better to handle this badge. We just found this badge again. Good. I'm collecting those, by the way, that your old partner's badge is lost.

Participant #1:

That's terrible. I don't know what's going on with that

Participant #1:

old chief. I got a thing. He was having a rough time. Was having a rough time. He ain't thinking straight. It's hot. It's 150 deg. This homeboy just got killed three days earlier. He was having a rough time. So then we get a kind of, I guess, a run across the streets of La. And jumping all over cars. Danny Glover punches out the Hard Copy guy that was a moment. Tony Pupp gets his come up and Harrison gets in a big truck and he is trying to chase the Predator who's up on the rooftops. I do have to say I have to do a point out one other time when they were on the train and the Predator was killing everybody, he did punch the TV screen that had Tony Pope on it. Yeah, he did foreshadowing there. Yeah, I thought it was foreshadowing he was going to kill them, but at the very least, he did get punched out. But I was like, damn, you're going to pressure hate Tony Pope. Damn. All right, I'm sorry. Well, while Harrison is trying to chase down the guy on the Predator on the rooftops, predator is more focused on getting to a good Instagram pose scene. I'm going to climb to a building and just pose with my new skull. And it's fine. It looked cool. And the lightning rod of a spear. This is a legit question I had to ask. Can he absorb lightning strike? Was that a lightning strike that hit him? What the fuck happened? Maybe he's grounded some rubber boots. I mean, this is my one question. Like he was up there, like was a gargoyle or something. I don't know what's happening. Quick recharge of his tech gear. It just kind of powers it all in. It felt like a celebratory moment for him. I wiped out 32 humans. Yeah, he's totally up there taking a selfie posting. Look what I just did. The elder Predator back in the ship is probably just what the hell is he doing now? Hashtag spine rip. Take that, predator. Bob.

Participant #1:

Yeah, he was definitely talking some shit. Well, he's doing his Instagram post, and Harrington gets T boned by a big truck and then gets taken into Keys special tech van. So now we get to see Gary Busey go. All gary Busey. That wasn't even a van. That was actually a full size 53 foot trailer. Oh, I know. It's a cut scene if you look at it real quick. I mean, having worked in a while. Like, it's a full on trailer, but okay. All right. They had to fit all those CRT screens in there. Yeah, man, they needed the room. Those cables weren't small back then either. T screens? It's hilarious. I don't think so. Which means they had, like, 4ft of room in that big from Wall Wall. Probably hot as hell. Hotter inside the trailer than it was in Heat Wave La. Yeah. You know what? Now think about it, man. Hey, boss, can I go hang out in the death filled slaughterhouse for a minute? Now it's all starting to make sense. They just said they want to get out of the trailer. You know what, man? You all kill my whole body. Give me that heat resistant aluminum foil suit. Get me into someplace cold.

Participant #1:

I can't stand you off, man. I can't stand either. One of you

Participant #1:

right now. This is long overdue, but, yeah, you're right. It had to be hot as shit up in there. I don't care. Even all the villains dressed alike had to be high to sell. But continue, Steve.

Participant #1:

We got the tech trailer, and we find out that this is, I guess you could say it's an alien hunting crew for the government, and we find out more about that. And they want the weapons. The government wants the weapons. Always with the weaponry. The full Alien Three plot here. Yes. Alien Three. Aliens. Every alien one. Okay. Yeah. He's like, you respect this guy. Not what he does, what he can give us. With the future crossover between these two franchises, that kind of makes sense. Yeah. But it always comes back to the same thing. You can't play God. This shit never works anyhow it continues until it worked in Men in Black,

Participant #1:

man. Men in black. All right. We got Velcro Trundy, so as government will do, they're all pompous and stuff, and they're not listening to Danny Glover, even though Danny Glover is not making a whole lot of sense. He's just saying, you're going to die. That makes purposes to me.

Participant #1:

We realize that they've got this plan, it's actually an ambush, a trap that inside the slaughterhouse that Gary Busey's team has, like, nicked liquid nitrogen spray or something. They have their little anti heat suits so they can hide themselves. And what was it? Some radioactive isotope, radioactive dust that would adhere to the camo so they could see him. Yeah, which in theory, sounds like it would work. And it probably would have worked had they tried to kill him. Yeah, I can't argue that. But they were trying to capture him, thus giving you the moral lesson of the story, is don't try to steal weapons from aliens. It never works out. Try

Participant #1:

to steal weapons. Not a comedy, not an action, not a Sci-Fi movie. This shit never works. So everyone at the Pentagon listen to this right now? Yeah. They're warning it's not going to work. The shit never going to have a bad time. You know what, though? Since y'all have killed it for me, absolutely killed it for me, the audacity to believe that you're smarter than the alien race that travels across space and time. The arrogant is super arrogant and very accurate for government. Yeah. But it led to a neat moment. So they're all walking around the slaughterhouse and they're doing their thing, and you switch to the predators view, and he sees nothing. He sees the outlines of what's already there and the stuff in the air, which remind me of, like, Metal Gear Solid, sort of the stuff floating in the air. But then he switches through his different vision options, which was really cool, like, oh, you're going to play that game? I got toys, too. So what were the vision options? I don't know. I don't know. Either, because what I do remember is the lights that the crew had were ultraviolet. Right? They weren't showing up on the vision. So he scanned through, and he ended up being able to see the lights. So he set it up in an ultraviolet spectrum. Yeah, that, again goes back to the Audacity. Sure, you know, he hunts by heat, but with all the advanced technology, you think they might have a second option?

Participant #1:

No. How dare we think it's not a trex. He doesn't lose you if you stop moving. They didn't even do a test run. We're going to send everyone in, including the boss. He wanted to go, first of all. He wanted to go. He wanted to leave from the front, so

Participant #1:

I can't right now. Meanwhile, Danny Glover is back in the trailer watching this on all the cameras and everything, and he realizes from the trackers that predators change some or stopped moving, or is moving into a different location. So he figures out, okay, he's blanking you right now. He can see you. And they won't listen to him. And they also won't look up. It's a theme in these movies. Don't look up. Don't look up. You're onto something. Steve, he's right on top of you. You guys are all standing in a circle, and he has a habit of bouncing off the tops of buildings, leaping from building to building, perhaps just throwing it out there. Could be above you. It's a modest suggestion. I said radio silence. All right, whatever. He comes from up, literally, is that even a defensive position? Standing in a circle? Is that even a defensive position? Circling your wagons? I mean, they're literally standing in a circle in the middle of the platform. Once they freaked out and lost them, I think it was probably their best move. But it's not an assault position, it's a defensive position. Sparta tactic. Which didn't end well for them either. Yeah, I just felt like there could have been just could have covered the steps and just had a better chance of putting him in front of you. But like you said, I feel they didn't even do a dry run without the Predator. No, not at all. It went all cocky and just okay, he's in there. We got our text set up. Let's do this. Should we take it real weapons, sir? No, we got the freezy things. That'll be fine.

Participant #1:

I got nothing.

Participant #1:

Danny heads in to save the day. I do have a note, though. The Predator's new toys are cool. That Spear, and he's got the new battery thing. Those are nice upgrades from the last movie. I enjoyed the new toys he's got. You talking about when he hang on, time out. We got to back up one scene before that. All right, so after Danny Glover basically escapes out of the trailer, and then he goes to the trunk of his car, which I guess is his personal or his new car and pulls out the grenade.

Participant #1:

And I'm like, this would have been helpful a long time ago, but we're also assuming standard issue for LAPD in future 19. They just come with 203s. It's a terrible armor. Whoever is keeping track of that shit lover, he can do what he wants.

Participant #1:

He put a plate in on

Participant #1:

so after he blows down the door and you were talking about the prayers, toys. So, I mean, the thing that on his arm, was that like a little missile or what was that thing? Remember when he shot it and it hit him in his chest? Whenever the hell hit him, it flew him across the room. That tiny piece of metal. Luckily he had that, I guess. Luckily, he's the most elite cop at all of La. He is not to be played with. He's not to be troubled. With LAPD. You got to be a different breeder. But even still, when you get shot with body armor kevlar, nowadays, kevlar, this is safety 90. This isn't today's. Kevlar. It takes a while to get back up. It still hurts is all I'm saying. But to get hit with an alien rocket, it's the adrenaline, Steve. The adrenaline kicked in, and then he's got the 203. First of all, that's a single shot load thing. I don't know. But he gets several shots off. Yeah, I can get several point blank shots with the 203, I think. No, he just had the one to enter the door. And then he says, he's like, I want me. Here I am. And then the printer is like, in the corner trying to get shot, and he's trying to get his armor on or trying to get the yeah, because at that point, predator is holding up Keys, getting ready to kill him. Right, and also the sprinklers went off. Yes, but again, it affected the cloak, so he couldn't cloak. So again, this would have been something that might have been able to bring up. And you would think Keys would have known about the water scenario, considering Dutch knew about the issues with water affecting the Camo. And we're assuming he got briefed on all this from Dutch. So why didn't they just set off the sprinklers from the beginning? I think the sprinklers actually had the counter had actually opposite effect because it washed away it washed away the radioactive but they knew, or they should have known that water affects the Camo. So maybe they should have just come in there with fire hoses. Who wants to drink from the fire? I say give a bunch of pregnant women super. Soakers it went in with the wrong team.

Participant #1:

This is the greatest episode of how it should have ended.

Participant #1:

Take all the pregnant women from the sweatshop,

Participant #1:

and then you get the kids behind them with water balloon slingshots, just enough to get rid of the arm. I love it. I love it. There's probably another fan reddit out there somewhere where Danny Glover died from that rocket and everything after that. It's a dream. It's just a big fever dream.

Participant #1:

We got a deleted scene of him being a coma. It's a general after everybody else is killed. Wakes up from the coma, and next to him is Arnold in bed. He's like, I know, man. Yeah, that'd be a hell of a kick, isn't it? How did he get you? How did it get you? He got me with the rocket. How did he get you? Tried to blow me up with his nuclear gauntlet. You know how it goes. Hold on, though. Side note, side note. Now I think about it, he said we're strong enough to take out 300 CD square blocks. How fast is Armstrong have to to run? Run the thermonuclear bomb. The dirty bomb. He dove in the mud. Bruh, don't even we've established some top tier mud. That was some very nice mud. The mud of South America is somewhat a different level because if you can survive anyway,

Participant #1:

he survived the same way that in the end, Danny Glover gets out of that tunnel. Okay. All right. So what was your favorite weapon? Was it the spear, the frisbee or the frisbee? Yeah, the Frisbee is pretty cold. Yeah. Especially when he finally kills Busy, because Busy comes back with some one minor in there. Wait, we're getting ahead for ourselves here because first, Danny Webber takes him down. The predator is down. Right? Because of all the 203 shots. And the sprinklers randomly stopped, thankfully, because the script said so.

Participant #1:

We do see that there's blood. There's the green blood. He's got patches where he's not covered. It's skin. That's why the raises the question of does the invisibility provide armor or reflect bullets or small arms or what? I don't know. I would just still assume not that all the other shots either hit them actually on the armor. No, I'm kind of on board with that for small arms only. I'm not talking like rockets, but for small arms, handguns and whatnot. It is reflecting them off like it does the light. Somehow we'll give faith in the tech there and then. Once the sprinklers were on, now he's vulnerable. Yeah. And it just so happens that Danny Glover comes in with the sprinklers are on, so now he's able to get him to bleed with the old faithful Moss bird, which he made the classic mistake. Absolutely, positively had to kill every motherfucker in the room. Which he did make the classic mistake. He never reloaded and shot him again. Or never pulled his sidearm and shot them again. This right here was a huge aggravating point for me, I give you that. Because if you got them on the ground, if you shot them 15 times with the Mossberg, pull out your Desert Eagle 50 caliber and then put the whole magazine into his fucking chest, he did have the balls to take the mask off again. Then put a brown in first, shoot him 1st 20 more times. And then I can take his mask off. But he's an elite cop, right? Steve cop from a distance as well.

Participant #1:

Handgun training, one on one, you don't want to be within you want to treat it like a knife bite. You don't want to be within arms distance. I mean, period. For this very reason,

Participant #1:

both can travel. You don't need to be right next to them. So yeah, he should have shot them, but another moment where the movie should have ended. All right, we're going to move on to continue, though. Yeah. So this is where he gets his but when he gets the mask off, you can see the actual Predator's nostrils flaring, which was kind of neat. So you knew he wasn't dead. Right. You got to appreciate the fact that they did the amount of work that went into that face. Like, as far as the visual effects on that was really top notch. Yes, the printer looks cool. Both armor on and off. I mean, it looks badass. Yeah, because this was all still practical effects. The sort of CGI yeah, and I appreciate that. You got to appreciate the practical effects. Absolutely. So he tries to throw the Schwarzenegger line out. There you are one ugly and then Predator interrupts him. Motherfucker. I do like, though, the Predator gets the shotgun and smashes it like it wasn't shit. I think it's like a moment of anger like this.

Participant #1:

I mean, he really ate the buckshot like it was cookies and cake. Like it wasn't shit. Like he just got hit like ten times with the thing and was like, oh, shit. You really put some effort into that one. And now we get Gary Busey, who's still alive, jumps in. Yeah, but instead of still he may not even have weapons. I don't know. But instead of finishing the Predator off, who's severely injured, he still tries to freeze them. Shout out to Gary Busey for being a government troll. To the end.

Participant #1:

He's trying to do his job to the end. I'm going to save your ad. This is where we get the ultimate frisbee of death. Yes, yes. Great. Death by keys, though. It's slow motion. It's chopping the bits of meat frozen solid, solid carcasses slicing right through it. That's probably my favorite scene in the whole movie because I was like because I remember being watching the theater and just being in awe of like, damn, he threw that thing across the whole warehouse in the shop. And then like to have the scene kind of they jump or jump cut or whatever. And then you never saw his head leave, but you just saw the blood. Like just an exorbitant amount of blood. The human head has so much blood in it. What's happening right here? But that's probably my favorite scene in the movie. It shows how sharp and how badass that particular weapon is come back to play any time, but it's a very potent weapon. Yes. That's my favorite death in the world. Next we get a rooftop chase scene. Then it cuts to Danny Glover coming out onto the rooftop. Yes. And they got a little bit of cat and mouse up on the roof. Yes. And pretty still, like using the mask off and on just to keep breathing. Yeah, that was a nice touch. I like that. Yeah. So, I mean, I think they referenced that again in which one was it not AVP, but the one with Adrian Brody and Lawrence Fishburn? Predators, I think it was. Predators, I think. Or whatnot? All those terrible movies run together. Yeah. Whereas in the first one, if I'm recalling correctly, he took his mask off for an extended period of time. It wasn't like he took it off as he was dying, ready to arm the bomb. He took it off and continued fighting for a while, but he wasn't injured, maybe, and that's one of the things, maybe it wasn't to make him breathe, but maybe it was kind of like a stimulant he was taking to try to get him through the pain of his hit or their version of adrenaline to try to make him better. Maybe he was just literally on drugs. What I'm curious about is, like, a stem. Okay? What I'm curious about is the predator's vision in this movie. The predator's vision, when he doesn't have his mask off. So when he's fighting Schwarzenegger, it's all blurred and it's not heat vision. But now with his mask off, the predator is still using heat vision. I missed that. That might have just been a continuity technical oversight continuity issue. Did they actually show him financing?

Participant #1:

Yes. Somebody forgot to rewatch the first one before making the second one. Now you're talking about when they were up on the roof. Well, it happens in the slaughterhouse. And when they're on the roof, it's a couple of times. Whenever there's a quick flash to the predator's point of view, then it's heat vision. Okay. Even without the mask, how did they get to the edge of the roof? The spear. The spear. The predator throws the spear. Danny Glover on the roof, gets stuck in the wall. Predator runs, and Danny Glover pulls the spear out, sees the predator standing on the edge of the roof. Instead of stabbing him with that spear, I'm just going to tackle him out towards the end. I didn't understand that particular elite cop strategy. I got nothing on that one, man. I got the super spear. But you know what? I'm just going to hold it and I'm going to tackle you to where we both fall. There's no defending that one because you're absolutely right, because the spear, just by, looks alone, looks like it's made of the same material as the tip, as the two pronged tip, which means it's super light. It's. Super strong. Yeah. If he would have put his back into it, he probably could have just split the Predator right then and there and called it a day. But I got no defense for that. Yes. The only thing I can come up with is maybe he just assumed Freddy would be able to catch it and then he'd have his weapon back. But you already just drop on them. Or you just missed

Participant #1:

me. Yeah. The visual that's coming to mind is Revenge of the Nerds Lamar and his limperus, the throwing style. Oh, wow. That just popped into my head. I'm thinking of Danny Glover throwing a spear. Wow. Iron Eagles. The next movie with him. No, the guy that plays Lamar. Okay. Yeah. Got you too much. And then we need to round it out with Karate Kid. Oh, man. Oh, yeah, he's in there, too. Oh, man. So now they're hanging off the side of the roof after Danny after the elite cop LAPD tackles them and they fall off the side. And I have this in my notes. I have to be real about it. Just got to keep it real. The Prater could have just ripped his arm off and we could have called it a day because he's hanging there with his left arm. Right. His right arm is well, no, he's hanging off a Danny with his left arm. His right arm is in the frisbee of Death. He could have let the frisbee he could have took the frisbee of Death out of the wall and literally just cut off Danny's arm a bit weak. Well, I think that he was losing his grip on the frisbee because that's what happened. His fingers slipped out of those finger holes.

Participant #1:

Yeah. Because he lets go of the frisbee and he's dangling by one arm. Unless he lets go of the frisbee on purpose, just to type. I thought he just let it go to type. He let it go to type because he was like that's the thing. Was he holding on to Danny Glover or was he holding onto the building? No, he was hold on to Danny Glover. So if he would have killed Danny Glover, he would have dropped. But he had the frisbee. Okay, I see what you're saying. He still has the claws to death. Assuming he's holding onto Danny Glover, he could have just pulled Danny Glover off the building. I'm play hating on this whole scene because this is the one that got me. I have to play hate on this whole scene. Danny Glover, who has his character, has a fear of heights, which they mentioned in the first ten minutes, and then it comes back here, kind of. Yeah. But he conquered the fear because a seven foot alien is trying to kill him. Yeah. So social respect is the reasoning. My thing with the Fair Heights was that he sets the self destruction and says, Shit happens. Danny Glover rips the frisbee out of the wall, cuts off the predator's hand, and then the predator was able to grab a drain pipe and ends up in the neighboring apartment building. Danny lover sees his primary option is to climb down another drain pipe and then make his way over to that apartment building. I would have went up. I would have at least tried to go back the way I came and then go back down the stairs. You can't let them let them go. I'm not climbing down the drain pipe.

Participant #1:

I guess you could make an argument that there was no way to get back up on top of the roof, but he didn't even, like, look or try. I need to climb down this drain pipe, too. Yeah. And my only thought on that is his mentality is I need to get after him right now. This is the fastest way. Otherwise he's going to get away, kind of thing. Like, I've got him on the ropes, I have to go chase after him as fast as possible kind of thing. That's the only thing I can do. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, but I would have went the other way. I would have at least tried to get back up on top of the roof. And that is why you would not make the police in LAPD right there, because you try to take the safe way out. I got the scene pulled up right now, and I don't think you can get it back up. I'm looking at it right now. It's like, it's your move, pussy face. Shit happens. For the record, I'm the combo guy back in the tech trailer wrapping up cables after what the hell this happened. While we speak. Yeah, go inventory all those goggles they were wearing. I got inventory all that shit, man. You got to find their ballpark part. Plus, you now got to update your resume. Yeah, I worked for other Worldly Life Force Owls. Alfred Life Force? Yeah, I used to work for them, but they're all dead now. What was the reason for your termination? Everyone else's termination? For the record, sir, our uptime on comms was 99.9%. Granted, it was only a ten minute operation. I stopped the clock when everybody else dies. Why did you keep the SATCOM link up when everyone was dead? That cost us money. Well, if you don't use it this fiscal year, you're not going to get it next year, so I do what I'm supposed to do. There's no reason they call it a Linked budget. Not my fault they died. That's on them.

Participant #1:

So no, but I like that scene. Except that when it came down the pipe, though, I was like, how much adrenaline does one man have? Because if you look at how he's on that thing, like, he's using all upper body street just to get down the pipe before he jumps to the other one that the predator fell on and then that's across all the way across the alley on a hanging drain pipe at which point the sidearm falls off. I didn't catch that. Yeah. When he's on the way down the other pipe, the sidearm falls off. Falls out of the holster. So now there's a stray gun and a stray badge.

Participant #1:

Yeah. Police issued firearm. And the badge actually, I'm wondering if there's two straight badges because it never actually says what happens to Jerry's badge because he gets Jerry's badge now. Think about it. Anyway, that's hanging up in the ship. Damn. They got Jerry's fate. He got his skull, his spine and his badge. It's a bad day. That's a bad day. So now we've got the alien in this alien apartment. As Denny Glover is doing his spiderman routine. The predator has to perform some first aid in the bathroom, which is a pretty cool scene. And this is a scene that I remembered but for some reason I thought it was part of the first movie before I started this. Yeah, I remember. For some reason, I was thinking it was much earlier in the movie because, actually, they did do something similar in part one. It reminds me a lot of Terminator One when Arnold's in a bathroom fixing himself too. I don't remember that one. Terminator. Oh, yeah, I do. Yeah, he was in the tree and he had the same setup. He had the same set up. I remember he stabbed his arm or something with something and then let out this huge scream. Yeah. And everybody was tripping. Yeah. But here's kind of cool. He's got this little dish that he mixes up, a concoction. It's got a little blue flame. He's like his own little meth lab there.

Participant #1:

Yeah. They have an interesting field med kit. Yeah. Basically turns anything into the paste because he had plaster. He has some brick, he has some of the mirror. So he glass, plaster and brick. I mean, he's one arm now, so he had to cauterize it and then do something to it. Cauterized his arm, cauterized all the bullet holes. And then I guess he took, like, an antibiotic. I don't know what the hell that big ass needle was, but, I mean, that should look like a hurt. That was a pretty cool first aid scene. And the funny old lady was a nice touch. If I was hurt, I would have stayed asleep too. I don't know what you're talking about. I think it was kind of hoping she would die. Get the life insurance. It was a good line. When Danny Glover finally gets in, he's like, don't worry, I'm a cop. I don't think he gives a shit. Yeah, that's a good thing. Why can't this guy stay on the ground? You ever did, like, a time, like, how long it actually took him to get down off the pipe and then onto the other one back up because he had enough time to break everything down and create a first aid kit and then heal or then to categorize all his wounds. It had to be, like, at least ten minutes. It had to be. It's kind of weird, considering how close luckily, his alien ship was. Right. He was in the building. He happened to crash into that building. I forgot about that. That is, to me, the dumbest thing about this movie is the fact that this alien ship is underneath this apartment building, and you get to it through a hole in the bottom of the elevator shaft. It was a laughing moment for me when he as far as he's in the elevator and the elevator is going down, like, oh, no. Because he looked down, all you see is darkness, even though there is a wide open hole with lights underneath it eventually. But he falls down, and then he falls on top of an alien ship. What the hell is this? How long has it been there? Number one, I guess now I got to think about it, I never actually put any thought in it, and it's not providing any problems with the city utilities. Nobody goes down there. Nobody's going down there. I'm going to get in there with nobody noticing. Yeah. Did the ship itself have the same active camo? Maybe. I think the ship does, yeah. But if I have to have had an opening big enough to fit the ship in there and what was that for? I would have rather have seen the ship floating above the apartment building, but camouflaged out, not underneath the freaking building. It just seems so lazy, let alone it just happened to be the building, which, again, I guess when Freddy's running across the rooftops, he may be specifically running back to this building to try to get back to that's what I thought he was actually active. He was aiming for this building, not how he wanted to enter it. Yeah. And the way they left, though, or I know we're getting ahead, but I was like, there was actually an opening underneath the building for the ship. Yeah. So there's this huge ass spaceship size hole in Los Angeles that nobody seems to care about, but I kind of reference, let alone not cloak while it's down there. Right. Anybody that walked into this hole would have seen a freaking spaceship. Well, who's walking into a hole? Goddamn Los Angeles. And hefted my theory

Participant #1:

I don't care how serious I am. You can't just go around walking into holes. People that either not hell now, so clearly the rumors out, don't be in this hole. Don't go into that hole. Yeah. You're not coming out. Was the hole in the elevator shaft their best way to get out into the city? No, I think that they walked out. That's a great question, but no. I'm going to say no. Steve, if they were making a hole from where their ship was to get to the city. That's damn lucky. They got it right in the center of that elevator shaft. Well, I'm sure they had some type of scanner

Participant #1:

as soon as they brought out their engineering core to set up underneath looking up and all right. Found something.

Participant #1:

Valid question. Well, Harrington finds his way on the ship, makes his way to the trophy room. We got the display of skulls, the famous display of skulls. Now there's a dinosaur. There's a xenomorph. There's all kinds of skulls in there. A great Easter egg at the time, I think. I still think it's a great Easter egg because it allowed for all these other shitty movies to come after. But the fact that they put them in the same universe, I thought was really a good one. But now we get to the final battle.

Participant #1:

So I mentioned a little bit ago that the elevator shaft was the dumbest thing about this movie, and it may have been premature. Steve, what is the dumbest thing about this moving? So now we've got a fully stemmed up predator who's furious. Yeah, he's popped up right now, but only has one arm. He's got one arm, sure, but he still got his claws. He's still a super striker in general. Yeah,

Participant #1:

absolutely. There is no worldly way that Danny Glover survives this fight. None just mean none. You mean to tell me you don't think he was about the bitch slap? I think that the only way to explain it is that the predator was too cocky. He was definitely cocky because he had the net gun, too. As he shot him with the net gun, he cut out of the net gun with the disc. That's a sharp fucking disc, as we already established. Yes. Probably the sharpest thing on the planet at this point. Yes. In the damn universe, really, at this point.

Participant #1:

So you don't believe that he would have won that battle even though because he tried to hit him with the claws, he evaded the claws or whatever. Then he walked up to him. This is where I think he made a mistake. He walked up to him instead of just icing dancing from across the room, and then he hit them with the caught him dead center. I'm going to throw this at you. I think it would have ended better if Danny Glover put up the best fight he could, but still died. But during all this, Leona, who was not put into an ambulance, she was released on site. She had been tailing him, walking through his tracks, and found everything. And she found through better riding, whatever, she found a way onto the ship as well. And that right after he's dead and all the other predators show up and do their thing, then they give Leona the gun. So did Leona kill the predator or are you saying no, they let her go the same way that they all disappear and walk off into the distance, and then the elder predator tosses the gun to Danny Glover. Instead, he tosses it to Leona, saying that this was your kill kind of thing. Yeah, because they can't kill her. She's pregnant. But she killed the predator. No, that predator, maybe him and Danny Glover killed themselves. I just think that kill each other. Okay. I'll even throw that in there. Sure. Last final thing. As Danny Glover's dying, he stabbed him with the frisbee. But I just think that with everything identity lover has been through, there's no way he would have survived any of those hits from the predator. Yeah, okay, fair enough.

Participant #1:

Even the most elite cop in La. Is still human. But you believe Dutch would have survived?

Participant #1:

Arnold Schwarzenegger was a soldier because he got pins left all across the lake. The little body of water. Yeah. Schwarzenegg was relatively defeated. He killed the predator with a trap ingenuity. So one on one hand combat. That predator beat Schwarzenegger's ass. Yeah. But yet Danny Glover goes a full round and kills them with a sucker uppercut with the Frisbee of death. Yeah. Do you think the Schwarzenegger fight would have gone any differently had Arnold had one of his weapons? Similar to how Danny Glover does? Possibly, because granted, the first Freddy didn't really have any extraneous weapons. He literally had just used the claws and the gun, and then he dropped everything for the one on one battle battle. That's a good question. Which, again, this goes back to why Keys wants the weapons, because obviously they work. Did he keep the frisbee? I don't know. I don't know if he kept the Frisbee or is it still in the predator? I don't know. I don't remember. No, I don't remember. I don't think so. I don't think he kept it. No, he dropped it. He did drop it, because he dropped it and said, who's next? Oh, yeah, that's right. Which was a good line. Yeah. All these predators just become visible all around them. What can you do, right? Talk a little shit, be like, yeah, I killed your man. I killed your cousin. And him, fuck him. What you got? Which means they were all standing there cloaked, just watching all this happen, probably silently taking bets. Well, I think that's in the canon of other predators, that's how they got to make their bones, basically, is during one of these type of events, and they need this type, I guess, to advance between becoming a hunter, elder and I forgot the one in between. So basically becoming a sergeant, a gunny, and then whatever after that, I don't know. But, yeah, that's how they advance. National Guard was cut through shit. Predators are something different. I always thought that was a neat thing with the predator chief throwing that gun with 1715 written on there. Right. That was a nice touch. Yeah. Which means they've been doing this shit forever. Forever. But no, I was cool with it. The prayer, like you said, was arrogant. And then he just underestimated the puny La elite officer and he caught him slipping. Danny caught him slipping. He thought shit was sweet in the city. That's that. And then he gets that Schwarzenegger speed and is able to get his ass out of that tunnel before it becomes a big old ball of fire, right? And I did look it up. He was, like in his early 50s when he did that shit. He ran like a four three Olympic level speed to not get burned up. Definitely too old for this shit. Oh, way too old. Way too old. And let's think about that. That's also kind of a dick move on the remaining Predators part. They let him live because he won the battle. They give him the gun and everything. Oh, by the way, you better start running or you're going to die anyway. Yeah, they just started the shit. Yeah, sure, we'll let you go it's that way. I mean, you did a good job killing or homing your shit, but you won't have to earn this. It comes out just covered in ash. How do you recover from this mentally? Like, if you're the patrol cop that shows up at the end and you see Danny Glover covered in ash, and you got, like a spaceship trail leading out, like, how do you even report that shit? Do you even report do they even file reports in La in 1990? Judging from the state of the police station, I don't think they do anything but body slam criminals.

Participant #1:

That's what this movie was missing, was at the beginning, Danny Glover should have been talking with his right hand man. Danny, I just got to make it two more weeks till retirement. Two weeks from retirement. When was the first leap of weapon come out? 87, I think. Wow, it was 87. Yeah. They definitely needed a reference in there. Definitely needed a reference in there. We still get one more scene, though, with the helicopter arrives and it's the Baldwin guy. He's all pissed off. The right hand man is like, what the hell happened? So we were so close, like, bitch, you need to go collect Peter Key's head in the rest of his body. Get your resume together, my boy, because it's over for you. It's like, don't worry, you'll get another chance. I wish he would have shown up later on. Actually, he did. Was he in follow up movies? Not him, but Peter Key's son. Oh, really? Yes. It was either Predators or AVP, but he showed up actually as Keys. And it was Gary Busey's son that played him, if I remember. Oh, Jake. Jason. Yeah, jake busy. I can't remember if it was AVP one or two, but he was in another one. Yeah. Damn, that's a nice connection there. I didn't know that. Yeah, I can't remember which one, but yeah, he showed up as Peter key son. And it was actually Jake Busy that played that's cool. Yeah. And then end credits, I'll say. It was a wonderful film. I enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun, which is great, but it's definitely flawed. And I can't get past Danny Glover in that role. Man yeah. I just feel that was just very miscast. Who would you like to seen in there? Mine.

Participant #1:

That's actually one of our questions. If you were to recast it. I don't know. I'm kind of stuck on Denzel. It's just such a perfect for that role. Really? Yeah. I mean, putting someone in there at Denzel's stature, delivery age at that time, it would have been perfect. It would have been believable. Yes. The only other person that comes up to would be even worse casting. I was thinking, like, younger Morgan Freeman. He bent. Old Morgan Freeman was old Morgan Freeman would have been like the yeah, and that's my point. Morgan Freeman would have been the captain, though. Yeah, that or the captain from Beverly Hills Cop. I can't remember his name. I know who you're talking about. You would have made a good captain because I was like Tim. Putting Eddie Murphy in there would have been terrible. Yeah, that would have been horrible. Yeah. If they would have made a Predator's comedy, then Eddie Murphy would have been great.

Participant #1:

No, I gave you that because they partnered him up with and I also want to say this movie was entirely too long. You think it was too long? An hour and 40 minutes. It was closer to two, wasn't it? No, it was an hour and 47 minutes. I think it was too long. There was just so much Filler the King Willysoft, all the insubordination stuff, the pregnancy, all these little things that were just fully irrelevant to the plot. I just think it could have been trimmed down and been a little more tight. I thought the pregnancy was relevant just because it showed that I don't know. Yeah, they have a limits. I agree with that. I got to say, there had been something cut that made it more relevant to the plot other than just the owner wasn't killed because of it. But it's the fact that it's just never even brought up. I don't know. Have her do something earlier in the movie that a pregnant woman would do so that the audience can maybe it was just completely out of the blue. Right, okay. I see what you're saying. Other than that,

Participant #1:

if there was one part that I think that they could have, I don't even think they would have cut. I just want to see an expansion on King Willy, just like, either him in conversation or something in the voodoo aspect of it, because he did roll the chicken bones. And I'm familiar with that and how it operates in the voodoo aspect, but I would like to have seen one more a little bit more with, you know, what they should have done is that after he rolled the chicken bones, he should have had a thoughtful moment and sent one of his guys as a helper with Danny Glover. Now they're invested, and that guy can die. Sure, he's cannon fodder, but at least you're going into it with that. It means a little more. Right? Like, maybe Danny glove is about to die and that guy sacrifices himself. So now King Willys plot means something, right? Yeah, that's a good point. I thought they had trimmed most of it. I wish I had more backstory on that. King William. That's about it. But I mean, you only have to kill my movie like that, though, man. That's what we do here. I know, man. Cold pieces of work, bro. So that's the question for us being the haters that you called us out for at the beginning, you had a lot to say. I know, because after a while, I started thinking about it. I'm like, but I could do that with anything.

Participant #1:

You can still love a movie and tear it apart, though. Yeah. Wait until we do short circuit. I still love that movie. That is a movie. Short Circuit. I'm waiting on that one. Johnny Five. No. This is about an hour and a half of picking on a mentally challenged woman.

Participant #1:

Yeah, I'm looking forward to that one. Definitely looking for that one, let alone what was his name? Played the Indian guy. Oh, yeah. The brown face from Oscar winner Fischer Stevens. Fisher Stevens. Yeah. Wow. The Plague. Chalk that up in the plague.

Participant #1:

There's definitely plenty of tropes, specifically like the ones that I've got. Like the police precinct being just rampant with criminals everywhere. There's absolutely no law and order inside the building. Like you said, people are getting body slam, and all the police are treating this like just any other day. Like, this is always what happens. For my main trope that I pulled out of there was the berating by the police Captain. Just reminds me of, like, Last Action Hero. It's in every single Buddy Cop sort of movie, which, again, calls back to, like, Beverly Hills Cop and the Captain. Him out. One thing I didn't notice, and they do this so much in freaking movies, is the fire sprinklers. If you're in a building that has those physical fire sprinklers and you literally light a fire underneath one of the heads, just that head is going to open up. Not every single one of them, but they do that in every movie where somebody will light a fire somewhere and every single sprinkler will go off. But what if it's gaseous liquid nitrogen that sets it off? Not only work, it's literally a physical switch that's triggered by heat. So you're saying the sprinklers shouldn't have even gone off at all? One sprinkler, the sprinkler that was actually tripped by the heat. But I'm saying what? Heat? Yeah. What heat, whatever they were spraying to freeze it was one of the Predator's weapons. He fired something. That okay. I think he fired the shoulder gun at somebody that was standing under one of them in the heat from the hit or something. Okay. I think that's what it was. I'll allow that one, then. But again, they do that all the time. Even, like, Hackers, for example, when all the sprinklers went off, and that's not how that would have worked, but I guess does it hold up today? I think it holds up pretty well, minus all the nitpicks. But it definitely holds up to me better than all the Predator sequels that I've seen. Oh, yes. I will say, not remembering most of this movie, I liked it a lot better than I thought I would. Yeah, same here. Yeah, I think it's held up better than all of them. Shorter Predator. I think it's held up. Yeah. It's hard to surpass the original, but you could tell they wanted a Predator three band. Yeah, there was tons of set up for that. Definitely. I get why I didn't get that. And that would have been the Danny Glover Arnold Schwarzenegger team up. Where they go, they go and actually proactively hunt them in, like, the desert or something. Or the nursing home. You had to do something different.

Participant #1:

I mean, they're OGS a couple of the only humans that have actually killed Predators. That literally is a plot of bubble hotep at this point. I've never seen it. Okay. Tanny clover in a wheelchair and Arnold Schwarzenegger bedridden. That is hilarious. I paid to see that. Without a doubt. They need to make that now. I'd pay to see that. Without a doubt. So, political correctness and cultural sensitivity. They're still talking about Colombian drug lords and Jamaican games now. So how are you going to get mad? Yeah, it was quite accurate. Accurate portrayal. No, I'll say yeah. Have you been there? Yeah, I don't know about the Colombian part. I mean, my thing is that if you can make Narcos Columbian and how you gonna get mad if you make the same thing today? I don't know. I can see it getting made today. I think they were kind of cruel to Los Angeles. Yeah. Like we said, Los Angeles never comes out good in these types of movies. It's always Los Angeles, too. Always Los Angeles. Even escape from La. Was a complete shithole. Oh, yeah. New York does not get beaten up this badly in movies. Future movies. It's always La. Terminator. Terminator was in La, wasn't it? Yeah. At least Southern California, La. Ish. So, Steve, you don't think this movie gets made today? I think this movie can be made pretty well today. Yeah, I really do think it could. Now, are you saying, like, the original was still made back when it was made, and we just waited this long to actually have a sequel? That it would be. Remade. Now, 20 odd years later, they finally come out with Predator Two. Or are you talking about if the entire Predator series started now? No, this movie, this actual movie, do you think it gets made today? If there were no other Predator movies, I would say yes. I think this would be especially now with the Hollywood trend being nostalgia. Yes. That's a big thing going on in Hollywood right now. So I could say if the original movie, when it came out mid 80s or something, 30 years later, okay, we're going to make a sequel to this classic 80s movie that everybody loved. Yeah, I totally see that happening. And then if you did it today, you would have to have Michael B. Jordan or somebody. I could think about five different

Participant #1:

I know I keep ragging on Danny Glover, but you make it today. I'll throw out like, Will Smith is up there in age, but he would be more believable in that role to me as what? Yeah. And then Danny Glover as the captain, maybe here's his wife. There you go. No, this would have to be the distant future, 2027 or something like that. No, by this time, hopefully they'll figure out that not every handgun needs a scope because they all have laser beam. Yeah. We should have handheld rail guns at that point. But no, I would say no to Will Smith because his tendency is to make himself the hero, and it changes the whole dynamic of movies with him. It's a valid point. So I couldn't see him doing that because I couldn't see him even trying to put himself in an antihero. Okay, I'm blanking on his name, but the guy from Tenant, you're talking about Denzel Washington? Yeah. He'd be a good guy. Damn, I forgot his name. I hate to call him. Yeah. But Denzel Washington's kids. Actually, I was thinking more like what is his name? Yay Mateen. Played Mantis in Aquaman. Aquaman? Yeah. Okay. John David Washington. Yeah. Him or old boy? Yeah. Jayamatin. The second. But, yeah, I can see someone like them playing role because some a little younger. Let me tell this, that you make it today, but you make Gary Busey's character, played by Will Smith. I don't know if he could pull off the I don't know. Will Smith is a bad guy. Yeah. Which may be why would work, but he'd have to be like, I don't know if ever played a bad guy. I don't think so. Granted, the government face, he was the government asshole. He wasn't really the antagonist. Correct. But I can't see it. Yeah. I don't know if Will Smith would be believable as a Gary Bus type bad guy. No, I could see Chris Pine doing it, for example. Denzel I wouldn't have thought that either until I watch Rainy Day. Right? Yeah, that's true. Yeah. You don't think Chris Pine can pull off Peter keys? He's too pretty. I don't know I am with you. I can see Chris Pine. See Chris Pine doing it. I could see Matt Smith doing it. Really? I can see Matt Smith literally doing anything these days. After House of the Dragon, matt Smith has a wide range, and when he gets crazy villainous, it's pretty awesome. So I could see him coming in like that first scene with you, see where he's all, I'm just here to help make La. A better place. I could see Matt Smith doing that and then fucking aliens. I could totally see that. Okay. Here's an interesting question we always pose, though. Would you watch a movie, this movie, from an alternate perspective, like the antagonist or someone else within the movie, but following the movie through that way? I have an answer on that. I kind of want to see it from King Willy. Oh, that'd be cool. Yeah, that was going to be awesome. Because his approach to it would be he thinks this is spiritual or a demon or a ghost or something. So that would be a completely different take on this whole thing. Yeah, I would like to yeah, that was going to be my answer. Because they gave the back story like he ran the crews for somebody else. Did he kill the other boss and then just take over? Or was there like an internal war before he did this? Or what happened? From his perspective? How did they get into it? Who is supplying the Jamaican coke is my question. I want more backstory as to why Los Angeles that's turmoil, right? The Jamaicans of all have all the Columbia's men should take out the I would like to have seen it from King Williams perspective to see how his rise to power that. Or you get the government doctorial and see it from Keys perspective, from his debrief of Arnold Schwarzenegger to trying to figure out what these things are. I want to see it from the tech guys point of view in the trailer. Yes. His homeboys, though, his right hand man was a sucker, though Baldwin was a sucker because he was like he didn't even go in there to go back. His man up back. None of them pulls up. They just stay right there with their headset like they're all dead. They're all dead. That's your man. That's your boss. He's not supposed to go in there. He froze. All of them froze. So, yeah, there's some chumps. There's some chumps for that one. But yes, king Willy, to your point, though, King I would like to have seen it from his perspective and how that led to that moment. Maybe he already knew from the get go that he was going to that's how it was going to go out.

Participant #1:

Where are these characters in six months or a year? Retired,

Participant #1:

I think this one pushes Harrington over the edge. He's in a government black box somewhere. So you think they just detained him and put him somewhere no one's ever seen Harrington again. He died somewhere in there. There will be a parade for him. He helped end the drug war, but yeah, he's in some black box somewhere. Wow. Well, I think Lena Leona had her baby. And it's that shit crazy

Participant #1:

Danny's son. He grows up and tries to avenge the death of his father by hunting down the predators. Yo, I like that. I like it, too. But I'm going to call him Jerry Jr. I think that's it. Everybody else is dead, right? Well, I mean, the captain goes on to become commissioner. The commissioner goes on to become mayor. They clean up La in enough time for Merton. You had me believable until you said they clean up La. Yeah, the alien hunting movie. Realistic, they can't clean up.

Participant #1:

Yeah. I would like to have seen well,

Participant #1:

I don't know about this particular side, but the wayland Yupani is still in the same universe, isn't it? Oh, that's a good point. So I would like maybe Paul Reiser flies in. Alf is the beginning of the company. Paul Reiser could play keys, but Paul Ryder is from the future. Yeah, but they did that in the Alien movies where the guy that played Bishop also played the ancestor that he's looked off of. That's true. So, yeah, Paul Ryder could be whatever his character's name was, like great uncle or something. That's a good point, but yeah, Leona's crazy. Gives birth to whaling, Utah or one of them. That's it. Jerry Whaland. I like it. That would actually work in the timeline. I like it. That would work in the timeline. It also brings up to the point that if the aliens didn't have that little code of not attacking her because she was pregnant, he inadvertently allowed me, Tommy, to become a thing. But he was mentioning one of them Alien AVP movies. He was in Prometheus, played by the guy from Iron Man. Three

Participant #1:

guy. Yes. But I think in Blade Runner 2049, they talked about how whaling utani merged, how they became whalen utani, and then they had anyway get off in another 10th. Yeah, we do that shit for another week. But yes. That's interesting, though. I mean, there's only two people or Danny and Leona get together and live in happily ever after. It could be his kid. Yeah. Well, why would you put her in a lot of fire, though? Didn't know she was pregnant. Job always comes first. True. No one knew she was pregnant. That's true. Because she was at the bar drinking. Yeah. So she didn't even know she was pregnant. Yeah, she didn't even know she was pregnant. Fair enough. That kid is going to come out so messed up. Oh, that kid is done for. That kid is done for. How do you even explain that? A seven foot tall alien with dreads pick me up. That's how I found out I was pregnant with you. A funny story. I was almost assassinated. Can I go out and play? Are you crazy? Do we want to cover any more questions there? I mean, the obvious ones, like the technology changing. If it were made today. With today's technology, I can't see it being much different other than literally the existence of cell phones. Cell phones. Yeah, that's about it. And I don't see that affecting the plot at all. I'm going to go out on a limb and say, this is probably not appropriate for young children. No. My son watched Predator One with me, but I did not let him watch Predator Two. I had a feeling that it was not going to be a good idea, and I'm glad I didn't within the first ten minutes. Yeah, but he watched part one with you. Oh, yeah. He loved it. He had questions. He had lots of questions. Yeah. So you're going to get a call from Child Social Services. I understand that. Funny side note, he was sick earlier this week and stayed home from school, and I couldn't get him to sleep, so I was like, all right, I'm going to put on Fellowship of the Ring for you, extended edition.

Participant #1:

A little kid watched the entire thing. Holy crap. And he has so many questions, and they were valid. Gandalf is not in. They just fly there. Gandalf is off on his horse to go talk to Saramon, and Frodo and the group are starting to walk towards Brie, and his first question was, why did Gandalf give them horses?

Participant #1:

We're going to have to have him on his show up on asking all the questions like, you know what? You need to go to sleep, man. Because I said so. Not a valid no, dad, that's not what I asked. So, Jamal, I don't know if you're prepared for this. This is our new segment of the Muffet recast. Yeah, I'm prepared. Yeah. So the rules that we have on this one is we have two rules. There must be one human out of the cast, and Beaker must absolutely be in every recap. What's the deal with Beaker? Beaker? Beaker is the best character of all time. Okay. All right. Because I'm up here watching YouTube videos on Beaker, and I'm like, I don't see them. To have a character in the cast that all he can say is meep at different volumes. It's brilliant. All right. Am I going first? Go for it. Who do you want to start with? Go with Danny Glover's character. Harrigan Kermit. All right. That's exactly who I had, so I put Gonzo in there. Okay. I think Gonzo will be I don't know. I picture Gonzo saying these lines and giving the you're in the shit now speech to Jerry. To me, that's just funny coming from Kermit, too. It would be. I just envisioned Kermit sitting there with his legs up. You're in the shit now. What do you guys have? Do you have as keys. Got dr teeth. Okay. I got probably not so familiar. Henry monster. Oh, yeah. Okay. I actually chose that to be the human. Something about Gary Busey surrounded by a bunch of muppets. Just that's hilarious. Basically the most psychotic looking person in the world, gary Busey going to Kermit. Fucking aliens. Not for what he

Participant #1:

oh, I had doctor teeth. Oh, Dr. Teeth. My bad. Yeah, his cage and delivery of everything. I can picture that. That's a good one. What about the predator? Big Bird? Oh, you're going over to Sesame Street. Muppets. Oh, damn. That's right. Yeah, my bad. I'll allow it. I actually had Animal again, I'm pretty sure that's who I picked on predator one. And I'm still sticking with Pepe. Pepe the prawn. I actually had Pepe as El Scorpio. You had Pepe as El Scorpio? Yes. That's good. Dan, that is a good one. This is Rainy Man. That is actually a good one. Danny. I kept this, the human, for mine. Okay, so you got Danny. This is who I went with for Gonzo. That'll work. That would work. So I feel bad because I misread it, and I did use sesame stream up. That's fine. Okay. All right, so for Danny, I got Ernie. Good likeness, right? So Leona, she's playing herself. Okay. So that's your human. Yes. I went with Miss Piggy. Same here. I put Ms. Figgy. That was, like, the obvious one. Let's be honest, there aren't many to choose from. That's a whole other ball of get into at some point. Skeeter. And what's her name from I can't remember her name. Janice. The only two that I could think of. All right, what about for Jerry? That's my beaker. You got a beaker, and so do I. Oh, wow. I'm just picturing him trying to pick up chicks really sleazily me. And I was picturing him running interference with the Hard Copy guy. Meat me.

Participant #1:

All right, who did you have for Jerry? Grover.

Participant #1:

I'm enjoying the pool from Sesame Street. These are good. Yeah, again, I bet I read it. I apologize, man. King Willie. That's where I went with Dr. Teeth. That fits. And I think I almost did that, but I went with the sweetest chef.

Participant #1:

That's a good one. This is where I put Beaker at, though. Just going from one stereotype to another. Yeah. King Williams baker for me. There we go. What the fuck is he talking about?

Participant #1:

And lastly, El Scorpio. And that's the one. I had Pepe. Oh, no, that's Elmo. All day long, Elmo. I put animal. Okay? That's your animal. So who do we want to recommend for the Cinema Decon Hall of Fame? My vote is Gary Dusey. I liked him in this one. It's just being a weird, creepy guy. I'm leaning that way myself, even though he's been in the news for the wrong reasons lately. Yeah, but Gary Busey is kind of a lead candidate there. But I'm going to throw out Bill Paxton. Thank you. What was that? It was his slimy, greasy, dirtball entertainment vest there. I could totally get behind that. So I'm going to second that. And I think it's Bill Paxton's because I thought he stole every scene that he was in. He was. He did. I agree. He brought that energy and I thought it was Bill Paxton. Rest in peace. He's a legend. Congratulations to Bill Paxton. The latest inductee to the Cinema Decon Hall of Fame. No disrespect to Danny club. Are you still there? We get around to Lethal Weapon, trust me. Just waiting for that Angels in the Outfield episode. Alright, now is the time in our show where we rank the movie based on our fan review while also adding in the IMDb rating. Now is the time in our show where we rank the movie based on our fan review, while also adding in the IMDb rating. This is a ten point scale and the average will put the movie on our mega list. So, Steve, what are your thoughts? Where would you rank this one? Like I said, it's a flawed movie, but it was very entertaining. And I'm going to give this one a solid seven. Yes. I know I'm going to put it a little lower than the original Predator, but a lot higher than what I expected to give it because I enjoyed it a lot more than what I was remembering. So I'm going to give it a 7.5%. How about you, Jamal? Well, you already know my feelings on this movie. This movie for me is

Participant #1:

eight. For me, 7.5 and eight. All right. Yeah, definitely an eight for me. This has high replay value for me. We factor in the IMDb rating, which is a 6.3. So we all overshot IMDb. All right, so by our powers combined, that gives it a 7.26, which puts this where are we at? Number six on our list? Just below tremors and just above wet, hot American summer. Yeah, I can get on board with that. I was afraid I was going to come in with a 9.9%.

Participant #1:

Yes. Tore my shit apart, man. All right.

Participant #1:

Yeah. Love this movie. Jamal, what do you want to recommend to our Listers? You watching anything? Reading, listening? Anything you want to throw out there to recommend? What was I watching? We're just talking about this at work on Netflix. I was watching TV show Criminal on Netflix. Criminal UK. Okay. The reason why I recommend that one is because it all takes place in the interrogation room and it's all very cerebral. So there's no action or anything, no cutscenes. It's just you trying to figure out if who they're interrogating is lying or not. And so it's definitely a show you got to pay attention to. Interesting. And they got like a bunch of them. They got criminal or they got UK. They got Spain. They got Germany. But UK is probably the best one. So I would recommend that one. That's what I'm watching. Cool. And I'm out here just mixing records, man, and recording and mixing records. So I'm mobile. And I think Dcbiu 360 is my IG. Any out there interested in some mobile mixing? Recording done. Get you squared away. Awesome. Find him on Instagram. Yes, indeed. How about you, Aaron? What do you watch and listen to these days? So, for mine, I'm going to go with all the superhero movies and TV shows going around. One that might be flying under the radar is animated series that's out Harley Quinn, which probably familiar with the character from the Suicide Squad movies and everything, but this is an animated short. It's absolutely not for children at all. And it stars Kaylie Cuoco from Big Bang Theory. She voices liquid and Lake Bell as poison ivy. And it's perfect. Alan Tudyk is the joker. Okay. It's a great show. They're on, I think, season three right now, but I would highly recommend that one. Well, no, I guess it's not really canon at that point, but nothing in DC is canon these days. That would be my recommendation. All right. My recommendation is the musical Hamilton currently available on Disney Plus. I have currently dove into that. I put it off for a long time. I finally watched it, and it is as fantastic as everyone says. There's not a single thing wrong with that show. If you enjoy musicals and you want to see something a little different as far as a lot of 90s hiphop style infused into an amazing story and amazing stage show, check out Hamilton. Okay, cool. Our next movie is another sponsor and movie, this one by one of our generous patrons, bud Dwayne, also known as Bud in the Booth. He's our producer here these days, and we will be tacking the immensely accurate military classic Iron Eagle. Almost got through that with a straight face. I'm a professional. Oh, man. Say it ten more times and we'll believe it. Jamal, thank you for joining us. This was fun to get you on here. Yeah, good seeing you again, man. Yeah, it's good to see you too, brother. I appreciate you bringing me on. It's an honor. I always enjoy this. This is new for me because normally I'm on the other side, so I appreciate the opportunity and I really like what you guys got going on then. So proud of you. Thank you, sir. Absolutely. Well, that's all for this episode. Thank you for listening and we hope you stay with us through this little experiment. What did you think a predator do? Let us know in our socials and we'll be sure to tell you how wrong you are. Please don't forget to subscribe and leave a review wherever you live. It check out our website in the show notes to see the full list of movies we'll be covering and our rankings thus far. Be sure to give our sister podcast a listen music rewind. Season two was just completed and season three will be coming out in 2023. We'll see you next time on Cinema Decon.

Participant #1:

A podcast from the Sidereal Media Group back to the Anchors.

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